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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2011
Wisconsin, USA
Hello from Wisconsin!
Well... today I got the call from Mayo. This is not my first Rodeo but why does it feel like it is! I guess somewhere in the back of my mind after the surgery referral to Mayo I was thinking Mayo would call and say ummmm "we were just kidding, you don't need surgery". Schedule is:
June 27th preoperative testing
June 28th Meeting with Dr Hartzell Schaaf
June 29th Surgery day

The only test I have had was the Echo and EKG in May. Do they still do the Angiogram as part of the testing. My referring cardio indicated it is part of preop testing. He said it was standard procedure, I know I had one last time.

So as reality sets in tonight, I don't drink alcohol. Just don't like the taste. BUT, Mikes hard lemonade tastes pretty good about now.

Has everyone here had the angio prior and gee is a day and a 1/2 before normal?

Will anyone else here be at Mayo- Rochester the 29th of June for OHS?

:eek2: :smile2::biggrin2:
Hey JulieS

I also had an angiogram as standard procedure. Why, because if you are having a coronary artery problem, the surgeon can do a bypass along with what ever else is required at one shot. On my cardiac surgery floor, I was the only patient with a valve, [in my case AV] problem. Most every one else was having a multiple bypass or a bypass along with a valve job. It's cool. The MAYO is leading edge. Go with the flow and it will be an outstanding ride!
Julie, Dr. Schaaf performed my reop April 2010, and you will be very impressed with him and his staff. You will probably meet your namesake Julie, one of his Nurse Practitioners...she is terrific!
All the testing they did on me was a very extensive echo, plus blood work. I was having no symptoms, and prior to meeting Dr. Schaaf had a CT which showed my aortic root problem but also showed a zero calcification score.
Since you have already experienced Mayo, you know what to expect. You are in the best hands possible, and will do great!
Hello from Wisconsin!
Well... today I got the call from Mayo. This is not my first Rodeo but why does it feel like it is! I guess somewhere in the back of my mind after the surgery referral to Mayo I was thinking Mayo would call and say ummmm "we were just kidding, you don't need surgery". Schedule is:
June 27th preoperative testing
June 28th Meeting with Dr Hartzell Schaaf
June 29th Surgery day

The only test I have had was the Echo and EKG in May. Do they still do the Angiogram as part of the testing. My referring cardio indicated it is part of preop testing. He said it was standard procedure, I know I had one last time.

So as reality sets in tonight, I don't drink alcohol. Just don't like the taste. BUT, Mikes hard lemonade tastes pretty good about now.

Has everyone here had the angio prior and gee is a day and a 1/2 before normal?

Will anyone else here be at Mayo- Rochester the 29th of June for OHS?

:eek2: :smile2::biggrin2:

On the VR Family calendar.....Godspeed
I had an echo,angiogram and an MRI, then labs/type and cross-match ( including a nasal swab to check for MRSA), chest x-ray and EKG 3, days prior to surgery. I had an AVR ( for a BAV, with severe stenosis) and a Triple bypass. I know already I am looking at at least one more OHS, as I got a tissue valve.....but I think I will not worry about the next one as I now know what to expect.
Good luck on your surgery and may God's angels watch over you.
Go Team 2011 !!!!
Julie - As to the timing of the angiogram, when I discussed this with my doctors, they said that each doc has their own preference but in the big picture it doesn's matter, as they sometimes do them weeks in advance and sometimes they see things when doing an elective angiogram that send the patient right up to the OR. They (and the patients) can handle it either way. When I had my angiogram done, I was only uncomfortable for a day or so, so it wasn't really a big deal.