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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2002
Well, it looks like I have a surgery date. But here's the kicker, I MIGHT be having valve surgery while we're at it! :eek:

Yesterday when I visited with the surgeon we were expecting just a "simple" epicardial ICD lead discussion. However, the surgeon had some data about my pulmonary stenosis and he felt it might be in my best interest if we look to see if working on that could help me feel even better. I'm all for feeling better, of course, but another open heart surgery? That caught me by surprise!

He wants a TEE done to check on the status of that stenosis. But he also wants to get the ICD surgery done as soon as possible. I'm set for surgery on Monday, but the cardiologist can't do the TEE this week. So he's talking about having her do the TEE right before the surgery so that I would not have to be put out twice. So I'll be going to sleep on Monday with no idea what I'll be waking up to: a full chest split or just some spread ribs.

The surgery isn't what has me concerned. It's the recovery. I really don't relish the idea of being in pain. I was prepared for the pain of the epicardial lead placement. Now there's a possibility of more pain... Oh well. I guess it's worth it if it helps me feel better. Need to be in tip-top shape before those babies come!
Niki, I put you on the calendar for Monday and I will keep you in my prayers that it is just the ICD surgery, but you are right- you need to be in tip-top shape for those babies!
I wish you good luck on Monday Niki, lord knows you have had everything thrown at you this year. Bah humbug that you may have to be in the hospital for Christmas, but if the end results will be that you're going to feel better than you have in a long time, so be it. Those babies need you to be as you say "in tip-top shape". God bless you, Nathan, LD, and your precious babies.:) (read your blog last night.)
Niki, our thoughts and prayers will be with you for Monday. Your attitude is a wonderful example of strength in the face of life's challenges!
I'm sending my best wishes that Monday brings the outcome that is best for you, whatever that is.:)
Your such an interesting case. I think we'll make a book on you.

Prayers and all go with you, so do whatever must be done and get back here. :)
Niki, prayers are going up for you for a successful outcome Monday on whatever needs to be done and yes, you will need lots of energy for 2 babies..
If it's not one thing it's another. I hope this doesn't sound insensitive, but I do think it would be better if your pulmonary valve ends up being bad enough for them to replace now. You'll have 6 months (hopefully, maybe a bit less) of recovery time before Thing 1 and Thing 2 arrive. I think it's preferable to having to have the surgery when they're 2 or 3. And if it gives you more energy - the Lord knows you'll need that!

You'll be in my thoughts and prayers for the best possible decision and the best outcome, whatever that ends up being. I look forward to the good news of your successful surgery!

Gosh, what a nasty surprise. Getting things fixed up now when you can sounds like a very good thing. I am sure your doctors know the situation with the babies and what that will entail for you, so I am sure they will do the right thing for you.

We'll all be thinking about you and praying for a success with whatever has to be done.
Hi Niki,

Wishing you all the best on Monday. On the brightside, if valve surgery is did not sit around and wait for a prolonged period of time!:) In my experience, that was the most difficult part.

Will you be at Mayo? I am sure the hubby will keep us posted. We will be praying for your safe return!

As Karlynn, said, plenty of rest before 'thing one' & 'thing two'. My sister had twins (they will be one tomorrow) big celebration. Anyway, she received the most adorable one & two shrits and little dolls for the babies. So cute.:D
Oh Niki, I don't know what to say, but I think I am with Karlynn on this one - get it done now, get it over with, and you will be healthy when "The Things" arrive - and you won't have to worry about leaving them with whoever in a year or two or three, and not beng able to bend, pick them up etc., if you have the surgery later.

Anyway, I guess it is up to the surgeon to look and see the state of things when he gets in there, and do what he has to do. Hopefully, this will be the last for a while.

Best wishes for Monday, and hoping you get done what you need to get done!
Lost for words Nikki cept your in my prayers all the time

just add more for you and i feel get it all done for babies

are growing and coming home.

All best to you for monday,all with you in prayers here.

Let us know updates ...Thanks

zipper2 (DEB)
Hi Niki ~ Best wishes and lots of prayers coming your way for your surgery on Monday. I'm so sorry you are going through so much, but i hope they will get you in tip top shape with the surgery and that you'll soon be home and on your way to a complete recovery! They have some wonderful pain meds nowadays, so they should be able to control the pain quite well (and make you not remember a lot of it too).


I hope that whichever way it goes on Monday, you will come out healthier and happier!

BTW, I told Brian's EP about your diaphragm pacing and suggested that Brian was having the same problem. They fixed him up when they replaced his pacemaker and he hasn't had the problem since.
BTW, I told Brian's EP about your diaphragm pacing and suggested that Brian was having the same problem. They fixed him up when they replaced his pacemaker and he hasn't had the problem since.

Oh, I'm SO glad! At least some good has come out of this, right? ;)

As for everyone else saying to get the valve over with now, I agree. Only I never knew it was going to be an issue! :eek: But, I do want them to do everything they can now so that I will not need anything again for a long time and can concentrate all of my energy on the twins. I stared at them all day long (had the picture open on my computer at work), or at least every chance I could get. I have to be in the best condition I can possibly be in to keep up with the little ones! Perhaps this is the reason God did not allow things to end with just fixing the atrial lead in September. It just took some work before we all caught on? We humans tend to be a little dense sometimes. ;)

I will try to get updates to you all somehow. If you don't hear from us on Monday, I'll try to get online as soon as I can to make a post.

Thank you all for your words of support and encouragement. They mean a lot.