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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
I don't know what to do...

I?ve been having these really bad headaches. Sometimes they make me vomit. This morning I vomited about ten, maybe fifteen minutes after I took my pills.

My question is... Do I take them again? The only prescription meds I take are toprol XL, Lanoxin and Warfarin. Then I also take Bayer, magnesium, calcium and a multi-vitamin.

I?m thinking I should take them again.... but I?m really not sure! And of course it?s Sunday, so none of my doctors are in their offices.

I guess I could wait a couple hours and see what happens. Because when I forget to take the toprol and lanoxin my heart starts beating really hard and irregular.

What do you guys think? I'm gonna go lay down a while and think about it. I'd appreciate your opinion!!
Sorry about the headaches, Rain. I agree with Ross.

First of all, if the headache remains severe, then go get that checked out before you do anything else. If you happened to have a bleed that would certainly take precedence.

If I was me and the headache was gone.... and the pharmacist didn't have a definitive answer, I would take my warfarin again and hold my others unless my heart started racing then I would take my Lanoxin too. That might not be what is best for you but I think that is how I would handle it if was me.
Rain -

My doctors all share 'after hours On Call duty' so that someone is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call the office number which should then be picked up by an answering service. Tell them what is going on. They 'should' page the on-call doctor who will call you back. They may ask you if you have caller ID.

I vaguely recall reading that if you vomit shortly after taking your Coumadin that you need to take it again. Best to ask Al Lodwick. He may see it sooner if you send him an e-mail or PM.

If this persists, you may want to go to the ER.
I KNOW how much heart patients HATE going to the ER. :(


I am worried about your headaches. Hope you will see a doctor and also make sure that you don't leave the doc without a firm answer as to what is causing them.

Wondering how you are - please post and let us know!!

Christina L.
Rain, Rain, Rain???

Rain, Rain, Rain???

How long have you been having these headaches? Months, weeks, days? Are they constant or come and go? Any brownouts with them?

Migraine headaches will cause vomiting, but so will other things. Al's right -- call the doctor's office and the answering service will pick up your call. That's what the doctor is for -- SO CALL HIM NOW!

If he doesn't call you back immediately, go to the ER and get checked out. Better to be safe than sorry. Pleeeeeeeese go!
I agree with Janie - call!

They charge to much to worry about disturbing them on a holiday weekend.
Gosh Rain. I am so sorry for you :( That's the pits. Might they be cluster headaches? As the others the doc, get to the ER, etc.

Few months back I had a stomach virus, vomited 2 hours after taking my Coumadin. First time I actally threw up in five years! Was all worried my INR was going to bottom out. Decided...since I was sick and not eating much to just wait until my next dose. Would you beleive two days later my INR was perfect! Go figure right?!

Hope you get to feeling better soon. Please keep us posted!

PS. If you can test your INR now....try to. So you have a baseline!
My history of headaches...

My history of headaches...

I was in a MAC truck, hauling a load of gravel with my big brother when I was seventeen. The truck had a blow out and went in a canyon sending my head through the windshield. I was in the hospital for a week and remember nothing of it. A few years later I started having headaches and always blamed it on that. When I was about 21 I visited a chiropractor for about a year. He told me the vertebrae in my neck were squeezing the nerves, the nerves were telling the muscles and the muscles were swelling up, putting pressure on my brain stem which was giving me headaches. But after giving him lots of money and no change in the headaches, I stopped seeing him.

They come an go. Sometime I?ll have them everyday for weeks, then not have one for months. I always know when I?m going to have one, because my back starts hurting. I also think it?s my back because I know there are certain things that I cannot do or they will cause the headaches. Mostly anything that requires my arms above my head. Like washing windows, shampooing my carpet, cleaning my car, etc.

I?ve talked to all my doctors about them. My gynecologist says drink more water, my oncologist says talk to your PCP, because he knows my PCP is a doctor of internal medicine, I talked to my cardiologist for at least an hour trying to convince him they were related to my back, but he still thinks they are migraines. I talked to all those doctors when I was there for check ups. Finally I made an appointment with my PCP just to talk to him about my headaches. They were getting so bad I couldn?t drive my daughter to soccer practice, etc. I spent probably a good 45 mins talking to him and he is still convinced they are migraines too. He wrote me a prescription for Lortab. I think it might help a little bit, mostly just because it makes me sleepy. Easier to get to sleep, which is the only real cure I?ve found for them so far.

I had one so bad I actually went to the ER for the first time in my life 7-13-04. The doctor there also decided they were migraines. At my insistence he finally did a CAT scan. The doctor told me the only thing the scan showed was a cyst on my brain stem and that had nothing to do with the headaches. And that the cyst was nothing to worry about. I?m diligent when it comes to getting copies of my records. I got a copy of the records for the ER visit and this is what it says about the ?cyst?.

3 X 1 cm arachnoid cyst in the left posterior fossa. It is difficult to determine if the arachnoid cyst could be causing patient?s headache. However, if patient has symptoms referable to the cerebellum or left 7th or 8th cranial nerves, further evaluation with MRI would be of benefit. Findings are discussed with Dr. Britton following completion of the exam.

It really makes me mad that he didn?t tell me all that! I had also been seeing a chiropractor for a couple of months before I went to visit my son in CA for about three weeks. When I got back I never rescheduled an appt. That was June of this year. The chiropractor was totally convinced he knew exactly what was causing the headaches. He showed me the x-rays showing scar tissue between the vertebraes, etc. After I started seeing him for a while I started waking up with the headaches instead of getting them later in the day. That just convinced me that much more that it has something to do with my neck.

After laying in bed all day I finally fell asleep about 1:00 when I woke up an hour later I felt better. At least I can function. Right after I woke up, I took the toprol, lanoxin and warfarin again. I figured it was late enough in the day that it wouldn't matter if I took the pills again. I did that before reading here... that was dumb. Because now that you mention it... I do recall my cardio telling me once that he has a 24 hour answering service. And I should have tested my INR before... didn?t even think of that.

That?s probably more than you ever wanted to know about my headaches. :eek: It?s been an ongoing problem most of my life. But they are becoming more frequent and less bearable lately. I guess it?s time for another appt. with my PCP.

Thanks everyone. I really appreciate your responses. I have to figure something out, I can't live like this. I'm afraid to even plan anything, because if I'm having a bad one, I can't go anywhere except to bed. My cardio mentioned visiting a neurologist. I may try that next.
Miss Rain...

Miss Rain...

Thanks for checking back in with us Rain. Have you checked your blood pressure as high BP will also cause bad headaches? Have you tried Imitrex?

I am a firm believer that evil stress can bring on a doosey of a headache -- so chill out and don't worry about anything cause it's just not worth it. I know how you try to do everything for everyone... ;)

I sympathize with you as I had migraines for many years -- until I had AVR in 1999 and they miraculously stopped. Indeed, a miracle!
ShezaGirlie said:
I am a firm believer that evil stress can bring on a doosey of a headache -- so chill out and don't worry about anything cause it's just not worth it. I know how you try to do everything for everyone... ;)

Janie and I must be twins separated at birth, because my first thought when reading your original post was stress...maybe the stress due to planning a certain reunion.

I think the 2 worst chronic ailments to deal with are back pain and headaches. I'm so sorry to hear that this is an ongoing problem for you. Treat yourself well, spoil yourself from time to time, and try (as much as you can) to de-stress.
For what it's worth... I generally do NOT take more pills if I've vomitted after taking them.

I figure it's better to miss a dose than overdose on one or more of my meds.

The coumadin/warafin might be a little different, but from most of what I've read and heard it doesn't sound like missing a dose would really throw you that far off target unless you were doing other things as well that could upset the INR balance like eating gobs of spinach (maybe that's why you threw up in the first place...) or something.

I think it also depends on WHY you got sick, what's causing it. Seems like most infections/colds and such will set your levels off, at least they do for me. I don't know if that's from other meds I start taking (all heart and "pill" healthy mind you, no NyQuil ever again) or just the disruption in my body's "normal" routine...

Asking a doctor about it right away or a pharmicologist/pharmacist is a good idea, but if professional answers aren't available and you don't have other reasons to suspect you might be in trouble, I'd say don't take anything more until the next normal time you take meds.

Now, this might vary some if you can actually see and identify the pills you've coughed up.

On occassion I've gagged up stuff like the amoxicillin I take. I'll take another pill out of the bottle to replace the one that "didn't settle." Same would be true if I coughed up a warafin tab or something.

Sorry to hear that the headaches have been ongoing for you, BUT I am glad that this was nothing more serious. I used to have "sick" headaches (as my mother called them) in puberty - where they were so terrible (I would throw up), the only thing that would take them away was sleep. I haven't had that type of headache since. About three years ago I started getting the ocular migraines and asked my doc if they would develop into a typical migraine. She said maybe yes, maybe no. My mother had migraines and one of my sisters is starting to get them.

I do wonder what is causing your headaches. I just hope that you can find something that will relieve them better. Do you know if there are any food triggers to them?? I know you said physical movements can bring them on and you think it is your neck. Do you notice that when you eat aged cheese, chocolate or drink wine that you will have this type of headache? I noticed that some of the activities that you think bring on the headaches - you may be using chemical cleaners - are you having a reaction to them?

Anyway, I am glad to read your post and to know that you are mending.

Take care -

Christina L.
Rain, I have no advice for you, but I do want you to know you are not alone. I've been dealing with terrible headaches for quite awhile now. I've been seeing a neurologist to try and deal with them (my PCP didn't feel qualified to deal with them because of the complication of coumadin) since last November. I thought we had finally found something that was working. I started taking Topamax at the beginning of August. I had been relatively headache free for most of the month (and the ones I DID have were pretty minor) until last Wednesday. Now they seem to be coming back... :mad: Looks like it may be back to the drawing board.

I sure hope that someone can come up with an answer for each of us. I've been lucky that my headaches haven't resulted in actual vomitting (though nausia has been involved in some), and I can imagine how much worse that would make the headaches. Please consider seeing a neurologist who specializes in headache management. Hopefully they can find a solution.

You'll be in my prayers.
Thanks for the update. I was quite concerned when I first read this post and was quite relieved to read your post detailing your history with headaches. ( I have had the occular migraines for years but have not had the actual headache.) Take care, girl, and try to watch the stress. (Easier said than done, I know!!)
Thank you all so much. 3.2

Thank you all so much. 3.2

Hi Everyone,

I?m feeling better this afternoon. Ryan was home for the long weekend. He made me promise to call a doctor tomorrow for an appointment.

The toprol keeps my blood pressure around 100 - 110 over about 70. So I don?t think that?s a problem. I have considered stress and other ?triggers?.... but I can?t seem to put my finger on anything other than the back/neck pain. I have to admit that I've not always done any physical activity to cause the pain. I guess that?s why they still want to call them migraines. Another thing that will cause them is if I?ve been sitting at my desk for too long. And that's very little activity. Maybe they are migraines... honestly.. I don't care what they call them.. I just want relief. I don't see how they can give me proper pain management if they don't know the true cause. :mad:

I?ve never been one to vomit either.... until the last 6 mos or so. In the 4 ½ years I?ve been taking meds this is the first time I?ve vomited in a close enough time frame to make me worry. I take my pills in the morning. That morning all that was in my stomach was a glass of tea...... I took my handful of pills with nothing in my stomach but the tea. Bad idea...... even when you aren?t already feeling nauseous. But because my stomach was so empty, I thought I should be able to see the pills...but I didn't.

Thank you all so much. After I took only the toprol, lanoxin and warfarin then I spent the afternoon thinking.... gee whiz, Rain.... the vitamins have a direct impact on the other pills... if you took some of them twice you should have taken them all twice... Finally I said, ?POOEY?... I feel okay... I?ll check my INR tomorrow and go from there. I was as freaked out as you were, Gina.. it tested a perfect 3.2 this afternoon. :eek:

I?ve never been on any meds for the headaches except the lortab. I?m willing to try just about anything tho. I?ll ask my doctor about Topamax or Imitrex.

Thank you all, again. It hasn't been a real fun weekend. :(
Hey Rain,
Glad to hear you are doing better. Missed you at chat yesterday.
Let us know what you find out from the Dr.
Take Care
See just takes a good old fashsioned illness to give you a perfect INR. All joking aside...I am happy you are doing better. Think we chatted about Migraines before. Still struggle to this day. I had a 10 year break. After surgery they came back full force. Have a few ideas on hormonal issues I would like to share with you in Denver. I understand your situation is a bit different in that dept. but... you are still 100% female! ;) Those hormones are still there :eek: Take care of yourself. Put that stress in the backseat for now! You are first and foremost!
Hi Rain,
Been away for a few days, sorry to hear you've been having a problem.
Good to hear you are feeling better.
Funny thing is I never had any of those headaches until after my surgery.
They start in my left shoulder and then it goes up my neck,into my jaw and ends up behind my left eye. Very painful. :(
It could be from everyday stress. Since I've been retired there has only been a few of them. So if she doesn't beat on me too hard I usually do OK. :rolleyes:
Sorry we can't make it to the reunion again this year.
Hopefully someday I will get a chance to meet two of my favorite women, and that would of course be you and Gina.
We go back a long way.
So get checked out and hopefully find an answer.