help! heart rate up and staying

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Feb 7, 2009
ok, had avr with #23 onx - very loud ! anyway , july 20th it was done . started rehab last week and my sitting still heart rate is 111. i have noticed it seemed fast but did not no the #s . i am on 50mg attinlol. is this something that i should add. at this time . thanks ahead of time . i held my first gran daughter this week . she seemed to love the tick-tock as she layed on my chest . this was one of my goals to make through , great to be alive !
Hey coach, sounds like good news to me about holding your grandchild.... I dont know much about the affects of the attinlol, but hearing it means its working. Give your cardio a call and ask him or her about it. Im sure it will all level out, and you will be fine. But like everyone else on here says, When in doubt, check it out. By the way, congrats on recovery.
I get upset if my heart rate goes up like that for a few hours. I also think your doctor needs to know. Maybe a med change is all you need.

I had a resting HR of 130+ for 3 months post-op. Cardio tried everything from Lanoxin to various Beta-blockers, but it didn't work. Just one day, I woke up with a normal HR of 85+.

I think it is just your heart's way of telling you that someone messed with him and that he is irritated! It should go back to normal soon.
I have had various episodes with atrial flutter and fibrillation post-op. I would check with your cardio and consider getting an EKG to see what's going on. My pulse at the time was stuck at about 120 and was classic afib on the EKG.
atenolol should slow it down and you are on a good dose. Robthatsme is on a higher dose than that, tho and I believe he's got a good beat. you might want to look up some of his posts. Check this out with your dr before you add or delete any meds, esp this one. he might want to switch you to something else that might work better/differently. let us know? best wishes.

Ann is right about that.. Atenolol does two things, slows your heart rate and also lowers your blood pressure. I am on a large dose of 50 mg in the morning and 50 mg in the evening. I also take Digetek. (0.25mg daily) These have helped reduce the number of incidents of my heart going out of rhythm or just flat-out racing. I am prone to both A-Fib and A-Flutter. These have really helped out with this condition.

I should also point out that shortly after my surgery I was only on a 25mg dose of Atenolol, but several years later I developed my A-fib and A-flutter.
When that happened my doc changed my meds.

I would strongly suggest that you contact your doctor and inform him of your concern, or uncomfort. You don't want to mess with these drugs on your own. He may either change a dose, or change/add a medication.

Hope you get some resolution to this.

You need to contact your regular cardiologist. He may want to add more atenolol, or may want to move you to a different beta blocker prescription. Robthatsme takes 100 mg a day of atenolol. I couldn't handle over 50 mg a day when I took it. My wife was taking 25 mg a day and developed drug-induced psoriasis.

This isn't to say that you couldn't handle more atenolol (as Robthatsme does just fine). It's only to point out that everyone has different tolerances for different drugs, and it's okay to ask for something different, if what you have isn't working for you.

Best wishes,
I am on toprol for the same thing. After surgery my heart rate stayed above 100. The toprol has steadily reduced it. Good luck with everything.