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Well-known member
Mar 9, 2004
San Francisco
Just wanted to let everyone know I am back at home and doing well! My wife showed me all the posts while I was in the hospital, so I just wanted to give a big thank you to everyone! I'm a bit out of it today, so I'll keep this short but thanks again!

Breathe Breathe Breathe
Walk Walk Walk
Nap Nap Nap

The VR mantra. These are your only responsibilities for the next couple of weeks.

Congrats on being home; home you get to feeling better really really fast.

Keep in touch when you can.
Nice to hear from you.

Nice to hear from you.

I'm so happy to hear from you and hope you keep on getting better.

Débora from Brazil
Ray, it's so great to see that you made it to the other side of the mountain. Just remember that coming down is a little rough. Don't try to do too much too soon. Remember to sleep, breathe and walk. I look forward to hearing from you again when you feel like it.
Welcome home, Ray

Welcome home, Ray

Hope you are feeling better....Rest a LOT...WALK a little...Don't worry about food tasting Yucky..It will for a few weeks... TAKE your pain meds 15 minutes before they are due again...Remember. 1 day at a time.....Your wife sounds so nice..Let her read these posts to you...She wants you up and going, too. :) :) BUT. it will take time....You just had a major operation and it's going to take a Major time for your body to heal...Bones, cells, muscles, ect...In 6 weeks..you should feel normal again...Bonnie

Welcome home. We're glad you made it and look forward to you progressing and feeling better as time goes by.

I'm sure your surgeon and the hospital staff have given you complete recovery instructions. Follow them! and don't hesitate to give us a holler (Bonnie - that's a yell, not a little valley in the woods :p ) if you have a question. Most of us have been there and done that and know what works.

Best wishes to you for a speedy recovery.
We're still thinking of you, even as Lemonstuff and Harry are getting ready to undergo their surgeries.
Glad to have you back with us. Now you can regale us with tales of How They Do It in California, which could be different, for all I know. :D

It's good to see you posting. If you do any serious computer time, work it out so your keyboard is in your lap, so you can put your feet up.

Best wishes,