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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2010
Hi everyone :)
Hope this finds you all well,
Firstly i just want to appologise for not being about for a while,
Just a quick update on me,
In March i had a build up of clots behind my knee when the surgeon seen me he thought he was doing an amputation of my right leg as it had been without full blood supply for 18 hours :O fortunatly he removed the clots and i kept my leg, i then went back to my cardiac hospital for them to check my heart and i was told my heart was fine, valve was fine and chances of it happening again where less than 1%....fast forward to beginning of April and it was like deja vu, foot and leg where stone cold, pulse less and very painful, so off to the hospital and once again back to theatre for embolectomy number two, this was on the 26th April, and by the 29th April i was being wheeled back to theatre for open heart surgery number four! which was and emergancy to change my mechanical valve back to a tissue as it was throwing off clots :(
After 10 hours in theatre i was in the ICU cant really remember the next few days, i can remember the pain of having the blooming drains pulled out :eek2: (not nice!! especially without any painkillers!)
Next thing i can remeber is being on HDU on the normal ward, my right arm was twitching like mad, my left arm was dead and heavy, both legs where numb and i couldn't see properly :( this lasted for 5 days then i was sent for a CT scan which showed "abnormalaties" so off for an MRI which showed i'd had several scatterings of clots on my brain which had caused me to have several strokes :'(
I was moved to a specialised stroke ward in another hospital and after 8 days on there i was discharged. i was home only 1 night when i was re admitted again with three clots on my lungs! so finially got discharged 21st May but was backwards and forward to three different hospitals (one local the other two, 2.5/3 hours away) and still having lots of rehabillitation and physio now, it's gonna be a longgg process.
I've now also got pulmomary stenosis, dialated right ventricle & sinus tachicardia as well as my initial truncus arteriosis & large VSD, so on more medicines (athough not was many now as i was when i first came out!)
Looking at my next opperation in about 12 months time (there where gonna combine the ops but i was too ill and my heart was too weak) they also said when they took the valve out it was clogged with clots, had a hole in it and was severally damaged! Anyway that's me, hope your all okay going to have a catch up :)
Love Sarah xxxx
Oh Sarah, i am so sorry to her all you've been thru. I've wonderred where you've been, but hoped you were off enjoying the summer so sorry to hear that wasn't the case.
You sure are strong and hopefully since you're so young, you'll have a full recovery, and can get on enjoying your life.
Thanks so much ffor letting us know whatts going on, i'll add you to my prayers
Dear SL:
So sorry to hear of all you've gone through, Sarah! From the sounds of it, you are a walking miracle!

I hope that you continue to recover well and that the worse is over for you! Please take care of yourself and let us know how you are doing!

Stay well!
I'm so sorry to read all you've endured this summer, Sarah.
Thank you for bringing us up to date.
I sincerely hope they will get it all under control and you have a wonderful recovery.
You are one strong lady and well done for keeping your spirits strong.
Wow, what a summer you've had!! Take care of yourself, and hope things start to settle down for you very soon!!