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Well-known member
Mar 20, 2003
North Alabama
From what I gather, it seems that one of the major concerns for Coumadin patients is Head Protection. I do a lot of work in my woods (trimming, tree cutting, etc) and am interested in improving my safety and accident prevention measures.

SO, what type of head gear is recommended / available for outdoor activities?

Ross recommends that you give this a try!

I knew Vader had respiratory problems .......... "Father, I've got to save you." "You already have, Luke, you already have." :D


If you were doing that for a living, you would be wearing a hard hat, gloves, safety glasses, steel-toed shoes, and probably a waist band (back brace).

Hard hats come in various "strengths". A bump cap protects from minor bumps and should be relativly comfortable. My son recently went on a mission trip to clear trees and brush after a tornado. Bump caps, gloves and safety glasses were required for the trip. You can get them at Home Depot or Lowes pretty cheap. Check 'em out. Try 'em on!
A bump cap and good gloves should do the trick. The idea is to deflect anything that could cause a cut or minor bruising - it won't save you if a tree falls on you!

If you're using a chainsaw, think about ballistic nylon chaps to go over your jeans.
Paaaahhh-purrrr Paaaahhh-purrrr Paaaahhh-purrrr Paaaahhh-purrrr


Use the force Luke....

Call a tree clearing company....

Anyways, what they said...

I'd post a photo of my Boba-Fett helmet (yeah, I got a Don Post Mask) but it don't have one handy and it's late and the helmet's buried somehwere in the basement so it's out of my son's reach....

And mine at the moment because I can't remember where I put it...

If you're in the woods you probably should think about making sure you're wearing good thick clothing. (NO SHORTS) and such.

Dare I ask, what happens to the mosquito after biting someone on coumadin????

Just curious. =)
...Bet their INR shoots well through the roof!!!


Now THAT should do the trick Ross !

You crack me up :D :D :D

Does it have a 'chin strap'?

The main problem I have with my
plastic 'hard hat' is that it keeps
falling off, especially if I am looking UP
as I often do when we are trimming limbs.

I still need to find some thicker glooves that
the Bow Saw teeth won't penetrate...
Learned that lesson the hard way.
Leather Work Glooves do NOT offer
much protection from 'bumping the blade'. :(

Sometime ago there was another thread on what happens to mosquitos who bite a coumadin taker. Basically, it can serve as a very rough estimate of your INR. You measure how far away from your arm (or whatever part of your anatomy) the mosquito is when it explodes. If you get spattered with blood from the explosion, your INR is way too high. If you never see the mosquito explode, your INR is way too low, and you need another adult beverage. If you believe this, you've had too many adult beverages already.
Dare I ask, what happens to the mosquito after biting someone on coumadin????
Why yes, yes you may. Al Lodwick and a few of us speculated on this last summer. We've reached the conclusion that they suck so much blood and blow up because they aren't getting enough nutrients in a normal serving of our blood.

Al about those gloves, Rob gave me a link to Oregon Glove. Get yourself a pair of Kevlar gloves. It may not totally stop those teeth, but it'll darn sure cause less damage. ;)

Darth Vader

Darth Vader

I still have the original Darth Vader Mask..with robe, ect. that my son used for Halloween. How many years ago was that? Same that Ross posted.Wonder how much it is worth? : I think it was 15 years ago. He was 6 ft. tall....and very scary in it.:p :p :p Bonnie

You da' man! You've got a link to everything! :p

By the way, thanks for the link to the IE Spellchecker. It works very well.
One night a couple of weeks ago, when leaving a restaurant in Ixtapa, Mexico, I somehow got my hand slammed in a van door. My first response was of course to make sure I had all my fingers (no Kevlar gloves:( ) and make sure they weren't too bad off. I told the other couples that I would be fine with some ice. I also warned them that my hand might look very bruised for the next several days because of being on coumadin.

Well it turns out that my diamond ring must have prevented the door from closing all the way because it ruined my ring and the stone had popped out. I didn't notice it until we were back to the hotel. I started looking for it on the stone floor of the lobby with the help of some friends. The cab driver was driving away and noticed something was wrong. He came back and asked and then said he thought he saw something flash when my hand got slammed in the door. He went back to the restaurant and checked the cobblestone street where we were parked and found it! It was night and he said it was shining in the light.

My fingers were sore and bruised but are now fine. So.......don't leave home without your diamond ring:D :D :D .
Stick with me and you'll be wearing rocks big as diamonds...

Stick with me and you'll be wearing rocks big as diamonds...

Now Betty -- I want one of those rocks!!

And Preacher Jim -- come down here and sit on my patio. I wanna see those mosquitos explode!

Hey, would this hat protect me? Found it in a London hat shoppe, but also left it there...:D
Hi Janie, thanks for the invite. I'll be right down, as soon as I get some time. It's pouring rain and 68 degrees here, so we might have some mosquitoes of our own to kill. Perhaps if it cools down again...