Having your Surgery Filmed

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WayneGM said:
:eek: It would bother me.....the less time on the heart & lung machine the better.

That was my exact point! A more lengthy oral surgery only meant being under anesthesia longer (and being much sicker, unfortunately, what with my jaws wired together :( ). A more lengthy cardiac surgery might mean being on the heart-lung bypass machine a little longer (and more $$ for being on that machine).

If the filing crew do NOT add to the length of the surgery, that's OK.
catwoman said:
That was my exact point! A more lengthy oral surgery only meant being under anesthesia longer (and being much sicker, unfortunately, what with my jaws wired together :( ). A more lengthy cardiac surgery might mean being on the heart-lung bypass machine a little longer (and more $$ for being on that machine).

If the filing crew do NOT add to the length of the surgery, that's OK.

Ooooppsss....maybe that was naivety on my part, but as I said, it won't add to the length of the surgery.......and fortunately $ aren't a concern as it's on the NHS ;)

Having spoke to the company, they have assured me that the camera crew will have to work around the surgeon and it will in no way interfere with what he is doing or add to the length of the operation
ha ha....george clooney eat your heart out!! :rolleyes:

I did a bit for a programme few years back. It was a Mens Health Valentines Special!! :p Thankfully I didn't get my heart broke that year :D
Just to update you folks. The last piece of filming was done on Wednesday evening (3.5 months post op), and all being well, the programme will be ready to roll on the TV screens come September. :D

They ended up doing alot more filming than I had anticipated, with 5 sessions prior to my operation. One at my consultation with the surgeon, one at work, one with my fiance at home, one at a match my team were playing in, and one the day before surgery. I could of viewed it as being a little OTT, but once I had committed to it, I just went with it, and kept thinking of the reasons why I was doing it. :)

I have to say that the only time I felt uncomfortable was the day after my op when the whole camera crew landed at my bedside, as some of my family had only arrived to visit me for the first time post-op. I could hardly breathe properly and their were trying to ask me how did I feel!! :eek:

All in all I had no regrets agreeing to get involved, and in many ways it helped me to focus in and prepare well mentally for the operation :) which in turn made my recovery very smoothe. :)
Aaah Shucks Ann :p doubt that very much tho!!

I was saying to the film company about maybe posting a link on their website but they wern't sure about doing that. I'm sure if it was saved onto a dvd there might be some way of posting it on VR.com :confused:

Can't see it making it past BBC Northern Ireland :eek:

The producer was telling me that when they went to film my surgeon at home his wife/partner was horrified that he was still pottering around in his slippers :cool: I think they filmed him while cooking an Indian....meal that is :D Very laid back they said.
Bonzo Dog said:
Bad Mad, no risk of your part being dubbed over by a stunt double then? :D :D :D

Can't see it Bonzo :eek: Tho unless I see my face in op room I'll always be suspicious :D

Mine was a re-do, and apparently when they were going (trying to cut though all the scar tissue) in an artery was "nicked" :eek: But the bleed was under control quite quickly. :) Will be intersting to see if that bit is shown and to see if there was much/any panic from the cardiac team.
Bad Mad said:
Mine was a re-do, and apparently when they were going (trying to cut though all the scar tissue) in an artery was "nicked" :eek: But the bleed was under control quite quickly. :) Will be intersting to see if that bit is shown and to see if there was much/any panic from the cardiac team.
Very interesting. I was hoping to have my second surgery filmed but the equipment had just arrived and wasn't yet set up so I missed out. However, I did have the same thing happen to me. My pulmonary artery was "lacerated" and apparently took some doing to get things under control (probably why there was 12 pints of blood on my hospital bill). I bet my surgeon was happy it wasn't on film.
Susan: No editing rights....not even getting to see the premiere! :mad:
Although initially I requested not to have my face shown during the surgery, I have since lightened up a bit and don't see the big deal :)

Royalties?? A whopping £150 / $300 for my trouble :rolleyes:
I said from the outset all being well I would donate this to a heart related charity.....anyone got any ideas???

BTW all my friends etc. are suspicious that i must have been getting paid a fotune to take part in the documentary :D Some chance!! But no price on life is what I say :)

Karen: Good to hear from you!! I dropped you an email there :)

Bina: Wow that was alot of blood to lose :eek: Do these things happen because when the surgeon is cutting through scar tissue he cannot really see what he's cutting into the whole time?
Hey folks,

It's been a long time since I've posted :eek: Been really busy between a new business, work and wedding plans.

The documentary is being screened on BBC1 Northern ireland this Monday Night at 9pm. It is called 'Super Docs', and will last one hour.

Not sure whether or not, i'll be able to get a link to post it on here. Hopefully,

Here's a link to an article promoting it: http://www.bbc.co.uk/northernireland/tv/programmes/superdocs/index2.shtml


I asked my surgeon to film my last surgery in 00. He gave me the copy and I looked at it at home. No one else in my family wanted to see it! You can't tell it's me and it cuts out at the most important moments. I was told they had trouble with the camera. I was amazed at how much sewing was involved!
I don't know if I would want a camera crew in my face right after surgery, though. You are one tough cookie.
Awww... all I wanted was a lousy photo and they looked at me like I was some kind of freak!!

Anyhoo.... will have to keep an eye out for "Super Docs". And, um, how about the Super Patients?!!! :D

A : )
Super Docs hey!?...I am sure I have seen that program on Tv here on the ABC...I will have to keep a careful watch out incase your episode shows up here too...

Sounds like it worked out really well for you...good news hey!
It will definitely be surreal watching the surgery part :eek:

The only part that I had a problem with was when I had just come out of Intensive Care into HDU. I could hardly breathe never mind speak - so next thing this camera is stuck in my face asking me how I am feeling now?! :(

After about two minutes of saying absolutely zero, i remember taking off the oxygen mask and saying "Go away I'm too tired" :D

So far, I've looked back on the filming of the surgery before, during and after as a positive experience. After Monday night, I may feel different :eek:

Aussie Gal: It's not part of a previous bigger production. It's been produced by a smallish film company - can hardly see it making it's way down under, but hey, you never know. Hopefully it will po up on the WWW somewhere before long!
GOOD TO see you! been awhile. you sound great. Thanks for letting us know you will FINALLY be on TV. some of us get BBC but I have not seen super docs. will check.
hello kevin!!!

hello kevin!!!

I am sorry i have been so remiss in writing you!!
I have a new grandbaby that is taking LOTS of my time!!
I surely hope we get to see your surgery ...u have kept us waiting so long!
Can't you record it and post it?
I bet you are very excited about the wedding!!
I wish I could be there but can you see a FLORIDA girl in Ireland in
MARCH!!?? Please email me your address so I can send a proper card /gift!
HOPE you are well.
Hey Ann. Good to hear from you. I know it's been a while, the forum really seems to be growing too - so hard to keep track of threads/posts!
I'll keep you a copy too :)

Hi Karen. Long time no speak! Wondered what you were up to.
Aaaaahhhh that's great news. Congratulations all round. Boy or girl? I can imagine the doting granny spoiling the child :p

Sorry you won't be coming over, but I know what you mean! Our weather is
sooooo miserable. Oh for a week of Florida sunshine..

WEdding will be on us before we know it and then off to NY and the carrabean on honeymoon :) Don't be worrying...Hopefully we'll be back in Florida for a holiday in the next couple of years knocking on your door ;)

Yeh, I'll post you over a DVD copy of the programme. (My address: 29 The Oaks Randalstown Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland BT41 3JZ)

Maria says hi, and was particularly asking after Toni :D