Having my pacemaker swap today....

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Well-known member
Aug 11, 2005
Omaha, Nebraska
Hi all! I'm still sitting here in the hospital - tomorrow will mark 3 weeks. :) It's actually not making me as crazed as I would think, and it's probably just because I know that I have to be here. I've lost about 30lbs of water weight so far, and am soooo glad to have that off of me! (from all the fluids/blood they pumped in me after all the complications a couple weeks ago). I still have a little more to go - maybe 10lbs at most? So I'm just overall feeling so much better, much more mobile and need very little help with anything, which is a great feeling! I do have stretchmarks like I was pregnant, which was kind of disappointing when I noticed them. But oh well. :)

I kind of pushed to have my pacemaker done today, only because if it didn't happen then, it would be Thursday or Friday and then they'd *still* have to regulate my coumadin after that. My Taylor Swift concert is next Sunday... so we're really cutting it close and I still may not be able to attend. I've resigned to either option, just waiting to see if I need to sell my tickets or not to at least recoop what I paid for them.

The only other thing they're still dealing with is the bleeding in my bladder (whether it's the bladder or kidneys, since I have stints in the kidneys also). Yesterday the urology guys said they may opt to go back in and take another look and even laser it to hopefully stop the bleeding. I can't imagine they'd send me home with this bloody of urine. It's pretty bad. :(

Other than that, though, everything else is going great and wi-fi in the hospital is my saving grace! :) Another thing that helps is that we have an Aflac hospital plan, so I at least know that every day I spend here means more money in the bank. Gotta love the duck. :) (I'm going for a very nice dinner and/or buying myself something very nice when that check comes and I'm at home!) I'm very lucky to have great insurance (through both my and my husband's works), so the hospital bill should be very little stress - even though I anticipate it to be somewhere in the 500k range - already got my first week's bill with the original surgery and that alone was $123k for 5 days.

I'll keep you guys posted through the week and hopefully will be announcing more good news as it goes along. :)

Talk to you all soon!
So sorry to see what your going through Kerri. Wishing you a speedy recovery and I really hope you get to the concert, but if not, there will be lots more great experiences for you ahead. Very best wishes :cool:
Just updating... back in my room after pacemaker replacement and all went just fine. I'm amazed at how alert and well I feel! (they didn't intubate, thank goodness - just put an oxygen mask on and put me into a deep sedation, and I didn't remember a thing... gotta love that). :)

As for the bladder - they are just going to take the cath out on Wednesday and see how I do - just let me pee out the rest. He thinks that it might clear up faster that way, just because it's not all diluted with the saline solution that's flushing through. This ought to be interesting! :)

Thanks to all for the well wishes!!
Kerri :)