Having Mitral Valve Repair..Davinci Robot

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Sep 24, 2010
Frankfort, NY
Hi, I am new to the site and was just wondering if anyone is waiting to have the same surgery that I am going to have. The DaVinci Robot.. I will probably having it done in about two weeks.
Thanks Vinnie
I'm not waiting, but had it done just over a year ago. Feel free to ask any questions.
I haven't had it but a friend of mine did and having no complications or surgery related bumps in the road he was back at work three weeks after surgery. He had a mitral valve repair. But his went so well that I had unrealistic expectations for my own, I had a standard repair, not robotic.
I have a torn cord in my mitral valve and have a severe leak and not really having any symtoms. My Dr. said that the tear had to have happen within the last couple of months. I am 53 and in pretty good shape only on 5mg of Lisinopril blood pressure med. What symtoms were you having and how did you surgery go?
They heart goes through the same ordeal whether you have robotic repair or standard. Did you say it will be repaired or replaced? I had a severe mitral valve leak of unknown causes. I'm 28 and the surgery itself was cake. I woke up in the ICU only 30 minutes after they put me in there and everything was smooth sailing in the hospital. I'm 9 weeks out and what I remember most is wanting a shower and having no appetite. After 3 weeks out I went into atrial fibrillation. They got that under control with sotalol. In going back to the hospital for a-fib the cardiologists were very pleased with my valve repair. I've seen three cardiologists since my surgery and all three say I should never have a problem with that valve. I then at five weeks went into the hospital for inflammation of my lung lining and heart lining. They pit me on some cortosteriods for three weeks and I've been doing well. They most important things to do besides following the instructions on discharge is to make sure you have a support system. People will think you look fine and are up walking around and will underestimate the help you need.
Having robotic MR repair (hopefully) on 10/5 at CC

Having robotic MR repair (hopefully) on 10/5 at CC


I am (have been) going through what many of us have, since finding out that I had a heart problem. My dad (who feared hospitals) died 3 years ago almost to the day at age 78. He had "flu like symptoms" for about a week. I asked him to call me if he wanted me to take him to the hospital to have it checked. Finally he called me on friday am, I drove to pick him up and drop him off at my local community hospital. The long and short of it is that he died that day. I still haven't gotten over it, but I need to go on for my 3 young children (one who is mutlipy disabled), and wife.

In August 2010, I had stomach unsettling, which led my wife to push me to my GP to for a check-up and echo, a week later I got a call from my GP's nurse, who said "The dr said go right to the ER if you dont feel good!" Dumfounded, I asked if it was still okay for me to ride my bicycle uphill while pulling my 5 y/o son home from camp (as I had done all summer)? She said no.

My nightmare (which I believe is now a blessing began). The MD said I have severe 4+ regurge, with flail MV. You go from thinking you will live forever to realizing you really may not make it another week. I got 3 surgical 2nd opinions, and this tues is my big day. I still feel great, probably b/c I havent overexerted myself since the news.

I have been a passive reader to all MV.org posts and felt I should contribute. My fears are pump head, that I may not remember things (ie passwords) after sx, and getting back to work asap. I told everyone at work (public school) i'd be out a couple of wks, but deep down, I think it may be longer.

My dad was not a religious man, until his last years. I am catholic, but he turned me on to Joel Osteen, who I watched today on TV, he refered to positive affermations. He said, Tell yourself you will be better than when went in. I know at this point, I am blessed, and have been blessed, and my prayers and blessing are for you ALL! "Trust the Lord with all your heart", and the Coincidedences are Gods way of remaining anonymous.", and everyone else!

I am (have been) going through what many of us have, since finding out that I had a heart problem. My dad (who feared hospitals) died 3 years ago almost to the day at age 78. He had "flu like symptoms" for about a week. I asked him to call me if he wanted me to take him to the hospital to have it checked. Finally he called me on friday am, I drove to pick him up and drop him off at my local community hospital. The long and short of it is that he died that day. I still haven't gotten over it, but I need to go on for my 3 young children (one who is mutlipy disabled), and wife.

In August 2010, I had stomach unsettling, which led my wife to push me to my GP to for a check-up and echo, a week later I got a call from my GP's nurse, who said "The dr said go right to the ER if you dont feel good!" Dumfounded, I asked if it was still okay for me to ride my bicycle uphill while pulling my 5 y/o son home from camp (as I had done all summer)? She said no.

My nightmare (which I believe is now a blessing began). The MD said I have severe 4+ regurge, with flail MV. You go from thinking you will live forever to realizing you really may not make it another week. I got 3 surgical 2nd opinions, and this tues is my big day. I still feel great, probably b/c I havent overexerted myself since the news.

I have been a passive reader to all MV.org posts and felt I should contribute. My fears are pump head, that I may not remember things (ie passwords) after sx, and getting back to work asap. I told everyone at work (public school) i'd be out a couple of wks, but deep down, I think it may be longer.

My dad was not a religious man, until his last years. I am catholic, but he turned me on to Joel Osteen, who I watched today on TV, he refered to positive affermations. He said, Tell yourself you will be better than when went in. I know at this point, I am blessed, and have been blessed, and my prayers and blessing are for you ALL! "Trust the Lord with all your heart", and the Coincidedences are Gods way of remaining anonymous.", and everyone else!

Welcome Dad3,
Wishing you all the very best with your surgery on the 5th. Thank you for sharing your story. Use your faith and positive thoughts to sustain you through this. We will look forward to an update. You may want to post a separate thread so that other can welcome you. Best wishes,
Hello dad3,
My surgery is set for the 14th. I am still working and every once in awhile I will get real tired and not feel so good, no pain though.I had the TEE done and the heart cath. I have a torn cordea and a severe leak. My cardio said on a scale from 1-5 it's a 5. He told me to get it done soon, so I have pre-op Friday the 8th. They said I will be there for about 4hrs. chest x-rays,blood etc.. Also it's a meet and greet the staff (walk through). Can't wait to get this behind me. I will pray for you. Keep me posted and I will do the same.

Also wanted to wish you a warm welcome to this site. I see you have your date and will be sending positive thoughts on the 14th. :)
Welcome, Vinnie and dad3! My mitral valve repair was a year and a half ago, although it was a mini-thoracotomy, rather than the DaVinci. Like you, Vinnie, I had torn chordae, which they replaced with Gortex threads. I was 50 and had known about the prolapse for 20+ years, but was asymptomatic until things rapidly started to go south just after Valentine's '09.

OHS was not fun, but I'm glad I did it. Six weeks post-op, I carried my 2yo granddaughter on my shoulders for a half mile! I have more energy now than I've had in years.

Best piece of advice I got--Don't fight the vent!

Good wishes and prayers with you both,

My MV repair was by sternotomy. However, like you, I had severe regurgitation and torn cordae. It will be five years since my surgury in less than three weeks, and I feel great! I am sure you will too.
HI Vinnie,

I had MVR using DaVinci Robot almost three years ago. I had a chordea that was defective and about to tear off. They were able to remove it and move an extra one into its place. Send me any questions you might have.
Hello dad3,
My surgery is set for the 14th. I am still working and every once in awhile I will get real tired and not feel so good, no pain though.I had the TEE done and the heart cath. I have a torn cordea and a severe leak. My cardio said on a scale from 1-5 it's a 5. He told me to get it done soon, so I have pre-op Friday the 8th. They said I will be there for about 4hrs. chest x-rays,blood etc.. Also it's a meet and greet the staff (walk through). Can't wait to get this behind me. I will pray for you. Keep me posted and I will do the same.


Hello Vinnie,

I was 47 yrs old at the time. Fairly good shape. I had MV prolapse. Severe regurg
4+. TEE showed torn up valve. I was asymptomatic. Heart cath showed clear arteries and CT scan showed clear also. My 1st surgery ever. The repair went as planned. Surgery was Thursday afternoon. I left the hospital Sunday afternoon. I have a desk job and was back at work 17 days later from date of surgery. Things were a bit cloudy for a month. Feel free to PM me.
Had my robotic mv repair surgery 10/5/10, and for the first time yesterday (10/14) I felt really good. I had some bumps earlier with a beta blocker that was giving me bad migraines, auras and rendering me bed bound. Cardio changed it, and now all seems well. Fortunately I was able to isolate the pill causing me the distress, and not just attribute it post anesthesia, stress, narcs, insanity, etc. I still have some muscular-soreness-nerve twingy pains, that jolt me awake at night, but they are diminishing.

(As of now) I am very satisfied with the robotic surgery outcome. I feel if eligible, the person getting robotic -v- traditional surgery may wind up with less "collateral damage" and a more accurate "final product". Assuming this true, I am wondering if all Davinci robot outcomes are alike (good), or are they experience/surgeon driven. I (hapily) traveled very far to a high standing hospital to have my surgery done robotically. But there were other davinci's closer. I have no regrets, but as I speak with others and recomend, are all robots alike?

BTW, Having this site available to me pre-surg, was like a comforting family member that knew everything about what I needed and was going through. You really helped me through!

Also, regarding, recovery, push yourself beyond what you think you can do. If your surgeon says you could/should (and you trust him/her), just do it. Take, one step, then another... Your own independence will feed upon itself and you will feel as though you accomplished something no matter how big or small (ie making a peanut butter sandwich, or walking to the bathroom.)

Some of you have such inspirational parting quotes that stick in my head through out the day. Here is mine that travels with me (that I took from somewhere years ago), "Smile, though you've considered all of the facts."
Hello dad3,

I'm glad it went well. As far as recovery, I pushed myself a bit I suppose. My surgeon pretty much said to try to keep to a routine. I walked every day in my backyard for 15 minutes or so and just worked my way up the first week home. Make sure you use the spirometer. It is now your personal toy.
The way I look at it, if robotic is the same technique as other methods, you might as well go with it if you qualify. It's claimed the surgeon can see better. Pre-op i had severe regurg 4+, post op 1+. I guess I hoped no on regurg but I think everyone has some amount of regurg. I believe to this day that I made the correct decision.
I think all Davinci robots are alike. They come out with new versions, but other than that, I think it's more the surgeon.
I had issues with beta blockers as well as it made me irritable. One thing to think about. With all heart surgeries regardless of technique used, there is a possiblility of pleural effusion/pericarditis I'm told. It's just some fluid/blood that just floats around. If you start feeling moving pains in your back, shoulders, etc. don't panic. Talk to your surgeon. You are going to think something bad is happening but it will be temporary maybe 2-3 weeks. That was 1000x worst than surgery. I am not a doctor. This is just my personal experience and results may vary with individuals.