Having chest pain 5 months after ohs!

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Well-known member
Dec 22, 2008
South Carolina
Hi everyone,

I was wondering if anyone had chest pain and the pain shoots down their left arm after their open heart surgery? I am 5 months removed from surgery and will get these bouts of chest pains that will last from 5 to 15 mins. I don't get them all the time but about 1 a week or so. My doctor is aware of this problem and is having a meeting with her partners about it. My last ekg (2 weeks ago) was great. There were times at rehab my heart rate and blood pressure would sky rocket but then get normal again.( 110/70) Any thoughts? Thanks Brian
Brian, in your post you said the doctor was aware of these symptoms. Is that your cardio? I would make sure your cardio knows and checks you out! What bothers me is the left arm hurting too. I have seen where people here have their shulders hurt. If it continues, I would get another opinion, depending on which doctor you have seen. Best of luck to you.
Yes Deb, It is my cardio that knows. They were going to give a echo in April of 2010 as a yearly check, but moved it up to next week. I have been also getting more and more dizzy also. It happens more when I get up from sitting. I try getting up slower but that doesn't make a differance. I feel great other than that. My doctor thinks the chest pain may be caused by stomach issues but wants to rule out the heart first. Thanks for your reply.
The dizziness sounds like low blood pressure issues. Are you on any beta blocker, such as Toprol?

I'm glad your doctor is not waiting around to get your echo. Keep us posted.
I thought of blood pressure when you said you get dizzy when getting up. The other symtoms.........don't know and glad to hear you are getting you echo. Let us know. Take care.
I hope they find some explanation for this. Have you been getting these for long 6 weeks two months? Is it recent or all along?
I hope they find some explanation for this. Have you been getting these for long 6 weeks two months? Is it recent or all along?

I have been getting chest pains since the surgery, but getting dizzy started about 6 or 7 weeks now. Karlynn, I am on a beta blocker. 50 mg in the morning and 50 mg at night. I am hoping it is my stomach because I don't want to go through anymore ohs. Thanks Tbone, Karlynn and Deb for responding.
I still occasionally get numb arms--especially in bed at night. Sometimes the left arm first gets numb then gets tingly or a bit painful. The right arm may or may not get numb and tingly a bit later, or not. Maybe this is not your case, of course. But I think this numbness is related to the "neuropathy" that Ross sometimes writes about.

In any event, I am glad you are getting it checked out!
I still occasionally get numb arms--especially in bed at night. Sometimes the left arm first gets numb then gets tingly or a bit painful. The right arm may or may not get numb and tingly a bit later, or not. Maybe this is not your case, of course. But I think this numbness is related to the "neuropathy" that Ross sometimes writes about.

In any event, I am glad you are getting it checked out!

Thanks... I hope they can find answers for you too.
The muscles and nerve endings go through so much trauma. It is possible that it is just that kind of thing causing your discomfort. I had lots of wierd pains post surgery... and for months. Hard not to get freaked out about them... I know!!!

If your cardio is on top of it, let them do the worrying..... they will!

I would honestly see about adjusting the beta blocker. watch how the dips and ebbs in your bp change prior to or after you take those. Can they loan you a portable bp machine?

Best wishes.

The muscles and nerve endings go through so much trauma. It is possible that it is just that kind of thing causing your discomfort. I had lots of wierd pains post surgery... and for months. Hard not to get freaked out about them... I know!!!

If your cardio is on top of it, let them do the worrying..... they will!

I would honestly see about adjusting the beta blocker. watch how the dips and ebbs in your bp change prior to or after you take those. Can they loan you a portable bp machine?

Best wishes.


Thanks Marguerite! They are working on finding me a new bp machine. My wife has a medical background and she can take my bp. My mom said the same thing about the beta blocker, but for now the doctor wants me to see how my bp is before adjusting it.