Have a question ? Any one experience hot sweat & cold sweat after BAV replacement ?

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c terra

Active member
Oct 3, 2008
Dallas, TX
Have a question ? Any one experience hot sweat & cold sweat after BAV replacement ?

Just wondering if anyone has experienced having hot sweats/cold sweats after having OHS (BAV).? I'm 8 weeks out from surgery.
I was experiencing this some before surgery especially when I had platations.Which I had platations several times a day.
Thought it wouldn't happen anymore after surgery. My card. says that the medications I'm on shouldn't cause this (Plavix, Crestor & Lisck(sp?))
They were concerned that I might have a infections going on but I don't seem to have a fever. Been taking my temp. several times a day and usually run 96.5 to 98.8. The 98.8 is usually when I'm having a hot sweat. Then stupid me I realized that I've been taking Tyn. about 3 times a day (1000mg
3 times a day) for pain. So, I didn't take it but once for a day and I still
ran 98.8. So, guess no fever.
It's not much fun because it happens thoughout the day but mostly at night.
(not just during sleep but it does happen thoughout the night every night for the last two weeks) I also, have platations during it and sometimes the platations are before the sweats. And I'm not getting much sleep !
The card. has checked my Thyorid functions and everything is in the middle range of normal. Also, I have already gone through Menopause so they don't believe it is related.
Well, like I said just wondering if anyone ever experinced this. I am going to
see my Internist this week because the Card. wanted to see if he could have any input.
Thanks a lot for any help !

c terra
BAV Nov. 5, 2008
Medtronic pacemaker Nov. 12, 2008
Mitral valve leaking waiting
I was just about to suggest seeing your Primary Care Provider.

It wouldn't hurt to call your Surgeon's office and tell his Nurse what is going on to see if she might have any ideas (and to pass the information along to the surgeon for his thoughts).

Stay on top of it and keep bugging your Doc's until they come up with an explanation.

Good Luck!

'AL Capshaw'
I had this, too! I narrowed it down to the Tylenol PM med. Once I stopped taking that and just a Darvocet the first 10 days or so, they stopped. I would wake up wringing wet. No palpitations that I noticed, however.

It's horribly uncomfortable, isn't it?

Hope you find what yours might be from. I take Tylenol all the time, but the "sleep aid" in it seemed to be the culprit for me with the night sweats, about 4 every morning.

Wasn't running a fever at all.

Good luck! good question, too, I'd forgotten about those. :rolleyes:
Thanks for the repleys. As I said earlier I've been taking Tylenol (extra strenght 1000mg)
3 times a day since about the 4 the day home from the hospital. The stuff in hospital (norna sp?)
or what they sent home for me gave me horrible panic attacks. So I stopped that !
I have, not taken it for a day and the sweats still were there. Still needing something for the real soreness and pain.
Thanks also for the suggestion about the calling my surgerons office. I will do that !

c terra
BVA Nov. 5, 2008
Medtronic pacemaker Nov. 12, 2008
Mitral valve leaking waiting
I would call the surgeons office. IF you still are having so much soreness and pain 2 months out there might be a problem. especially since you are having sweats ect. since you were taking the tylenol it could have masked if you were having a fever. What is your normal Temp?
Before OHS I rarely took a pill for anything, but post op they give lots of pills in the hospital.
Within a few days I sweated one night and woke up soaking wet. It was terrible.
The day nurse said it was probably due to the Tylenol and post op trauma.
It's never happened again....no Tylenol taking either.
Very common after valve surgery (probably any OHS). Once infection and fever are ruled out, it's just the grossness. Can go on for a few weeks or even s few months.

There have been many threads about this, and they can be found by clicking on Search on the blue bar above, then choosing Advanced Search, then putting in sweat, or some similar word to search on.

Best wishes,
Thanks again for everyone's responses. I went to my Internist today and they took "a boat load" of blood from me. Said it should be at least 48 hours before they know anything.
I hate that others have experienced these awful sweats but it is confronting to know
you are not the only one. I do hope they pass soon. And yes, as others have said it would be really nice to get more than 2 or 3 hours of sleep at a time.

c terra
BAV Nov 5, 2008
Medtronic pacemaker total heart block Nov. 12, 2008
Mitral valve leaking waiting