Have a Good Laugh on Me!

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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2005
SW Michigan
The day before yesterday we had heavy rain in my area and my 17 month old roof leaked just below the skylight in my bedroom for the second time. The first time it leaked I called the roofer and he said he'd come by between jobs and take a look. He came and it was fine for months, but leaked some in this heavy rain. The roofer didn't call back on Tuesday after I left a message with his daughter-in-law so I called again on Wednesday and left a detailed message on the answering machine--doing my best to explain exactly where the leak was. Still no call back.

Well, this morning I was lounging in my living room in my cheetah print fleece jammies when I heard the unmistakable low rumble of the trash truck. On trash day. Where's my trash? Not at the curb! So I run to the kitchen and grab the bag out of the compactor and run out side, slinging the bag into the trash can as I RUN down the driveway dragging it behind. Lucky me! He's two doors down and I'm the next stop. I retreat up the driveway and turn to see the driver grin and wave. Oh well. At least I got the trash out.

So then I give myself a boot in the rear and tell myself to go get showered, dressed, and on with the day. Into the shower I go in my usual attire. ;) As I'm rinsing my hair I hear someone in the house! No one should be in the house! It's too early to be my daughter. Is the house on fire? Is a neighbor coming to save me? Already a bit alarmed I catch a glimpse of work boots and jeans on my roof through the skylight in my bathroom! While I'm in the shower! If I can see the man on the roof...well...he can see me! So I back myself into a corner where I can't see the man and bide my time, happy that I've got streaming hot water to keep me warm. But at a complete loss for what to do. I've got no towel hanging over the door and no robe nearby.

Eventually, I cracked the door open and grabbed the bath mat to cover with and backed out the door into one small spot in my bedroom that can't be seen from the other skylight. When the coast was clear I grabbed a towel, got dressed in the closet and went to talk to the roofer. He was gone. And, dammit, I think he completely missed the right skylight!
LOL......I was at home on the day that the house keeper was to come but my car was around the corner getting tires put on, they dropped me back at the house. I was out of the shower so the water was not running and I had to walk to another room to get some clothes so down the hall I go.......you guessed it:eek: :D She thought it was hilarious. You know it is kind of hard to cover yourself, scurry down the hall and suck in your gut at the same time:eek:
That is to funny X 2 !!
Maybe now you both have learned to have a robe or towel hanging on the shower door, so incase there is a next time......you don't get caught with your pants off :D :D :D
Freddie said:
That is to funny X 2 !!
Maybe now you both have learned to have a robe or towel hanging on the shower door, so incase there is a next time......you don't get caught with your pants off :D :D :D

Actually I thought about moving my clothes to the other end of the house:D :D ;)
Another funny story. I was house hunting quite a few years ago and we went into a house with the realtor using a key from the lockbox. We were walking down the hallway when the owner came out of the bathroom - in an open robe and nothing else. We all just about had heart attacks and then a good laugh when she finally came out fully dressed.

I decided at that point, if I ever sold a house, it would never have a lockbox.
LOL, i remember my auntie doing that, she was in the shower (no towel) the window was frosted and she didn't want the window cleaner to see her outline so she ran out of the bathroom, only for the other window cleaner to catch her stark naked on the landing:eek:
I dont know how people can into the shower, without having a warm towel to snuggle into.