Harrisburg Meeting

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Well-known member
Apr 23, 2006
Clay, NY
Just wanted to post a note that many of us met up in Harrisburg over the weekend to run all or part of the marathon there. These meetings started 5 years ago here on valve replacement by 5 runners who had valves replaced. Since then, we have invited other cardiac patients over at cardiac athletes to join us, and this year we had over 50 people at Harrisburg! I will keep posting our adventures here in the active lifestyle forum, and please, if you can ever join us, everyone is more than welcome!
Thanks Tom,
Hearing about your running always motivates me to get out and exercise. Maybe some day I can be in shape enough to join you guys.
We had a lot of fun this past weekend in Harrisburg. Met a lot of great people from Cardiac Athletes.

You can lurk at Cardiac Athletes or join, either way you'll be motivated by what the members are doing.
Sure wish I could have been there. I've tried to make it a couple times but life keeps intervening. Where's the next one?
Jack, not sure yet on the next meet up, but be sure you are always invited. Any suggestions are welcome!
Thanks for the update. I really wanted to be there and know I would have enjoyed it as much if not more than our time in Akron. Fifty people is great. What event did you do and how was your time.
LucyLou, Aren't they a great group...except perhaps Tom, unless he brought some wine....lol
Kodi, ran a 9.3k leg of a relay team. Ran the whole way with Mark Siwik, and we talked about you during the run...we miss you! Yes I brought wine, but did not get to share it with anyone as we were very busy talking! I left 3 bottles with Lars in his room for people to enjoy Sunday night.