Harriet made it to the other side

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Well-known member
Jun 20, 2015
Outside Houston, Texas.
I just got an email update from Harriet herself. I heard from her son yesterday and asked if I could post the news that she made it through surgery and would be sleeping for another six hours. She replied to my email as follows:
Michelle yes you may it's me actually Harriet .. not much of a night sucked I'm am a little upset with my doctor as he repaired the mitral instead of replacing it find that most upsetting
.he replaced the aortic valve and the root
I will ttysoon. . Xx

I think it's a very good sign that she is about to send off an email this soon. I certainly wasn't in any condition to do that for several days post op. I told her she had a lot of valvers thinking of her yesterday.
Fantastic news. Thank you honeybunny for letting us know her status. Congratulations Harriet for making it to the other side. At some point, I would be interested to hear of the surgeon's rationale.

Congratulations Harriet! As you gather more information, your surgeons' logic will become more clear.