Happy Birthday Weekycat

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50- just a baby- many happy returns and best wishes for many more!
Happy Birthday!

Thanks Everyone!

Thanks Everyone!

Yes, I made it to 50! It doesn't feel a whole lot different than 49 did so far:p I've already started the celebration. My family had a party for me last night. It was great! I have this thing about frogs...so there were frogs on my cake and little plastic frogs all over the tables etc. So yes, Cooker, I already ate ONE piece of cake. I also had myself ONE beer too:eek:...just cuz it seemed like I should. I got a 40 lb frog from one of my sisters...and a lot of other cool stuff. They were actually pretty nice to me. No black stuff...no over-the-hill anything. It was a pretty tame party, what does that say about me:confused:
I'm going out for my free birthday dinner at La Casita tonight...after my weigh-in at Weight Watcher's that is. I'm a little afraid to weigh in after camping all weekend and then the birthday party, I don't think I've gained much so far...but probably haven't lost any either. We shall see. As I said on the "throwdown" thread last week, I was really hoping to have another .6 lb off by tonight, to make it to my target weight and get my key chain for my birthday. I'm not sure I have, but I'll go weigh in anyway. I figure I have a really good excuse if I have gained. You only turn 50 once! Thank Goodness.

Sounds like you are celebrating appropriately ;).

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"The journey's been etched on your skin" ... James Blunt ... '1973'