Halloween costume thread.

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Thought I would contribute -

Thought I would contribute -

Emma was a bee. Children are all so darling at Halloween. :)

The town we live in has a "street crawl" - which is mainly for the kids but adults get into Halloween also - the street is closed off and the businesses and shops pass out candy to the TOTs. Emma is far too young to be eating chocolate, so Mama is doing her part to help. lol

Christina L
Christina, your little bee is Bee-utiful!

Here's our little ladybug - looking quite a lot like her Daddy!!!!!
Wonderful pictures! Sorry I don't have any of the nieces and nephews. I ask for them every year, but rarely get them.Makes seeing all these all the more of a treat. What great little characters they are. Thanks for sharing them! Christina, Emma makes a lovely bee!
A little late, but here is Harry the Robot:


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