Half Marathon Results

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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Sep 7, 2003
Dallas Area Texas
I'm very pleased to report a successful half marathon - my first.

It was a thrill to hear my name on the PA system as I crossed the finish line, and received a finisher's medal. As soon as I find the camera, I'll post a photo.

Unofficial time (my own watch) of 2 hours 6 minutes (9:35 pace).
Official time will be a little longer due to the delay in getting to the start line.
My goal was to finish under 10 minute pace (2 hours 11 minutes). I ran the entire race at close to the same pace. Of particular joy is that the pace was only slightly slower than the 10k (6.2 mile) race the end of February (9:22 pace). I even passed a few people in the last mile (yes, i got passed as well).

My new shoes are reducing the joint pains, but gave me some blisters. All pains are temporary. Joys are forever.

I thought of ya'll often during the run. Chuckling about the "goals" thread that turned into a "bikini" thread. Concern for Mark Wagner and his last minute issues. Concern for those of you that don't have answers to explain what is happening to you. Appreciative of all of the encouragement and kind words that you have given me.

I'm grateful that I'm able to be active, grateful to be alive. Half a marathon - can you believe it! It's still sinking in. I got pretty weepy driving home (and again now). Thanks again for your encourgement. It really helps.

Time for a nap.

I couldn't be happier for you. You are thriving! I bet a few years ago you wouldn't have imagined that you would be in a position to be such an encouragement and example to so many people. Congratulations, and enjoy the "Victory".
Great job, Tom!

Great job, Tom!

Great job, Tom! Pretty respectable pace, too. You're gonna do just fine at the full distance....looking forward to the report.

Keep it up!
Hey Tom,
You are an inspiration to all of us. Congratulations! I am glad it went well for you.

Take Care
Hi Tom

I read your VR "story." You really need to be congradulated on your life style change. I am impressed by your turn around and dedication to staying fit. As you have discovered, fitness is the key to good health. You are well on the way to becomming a very healthy distance runner.

Don't be afraid to do some cross training. I don't want to see you pick-up an injury from just running. The secret to staying injury free over the long haul is to cross train. I exercise every day, but keep the running to 3 days a week.

Keep up the good work,


P.S. Are you going to attemp a full marathon down the road?

Thanks for the advice about cross training. I am not doing enough (hardly at all) since the first of the year. I know better and needed the reminder. Prior to January I was walking a lot more and using the nautilus weights at the gym. I need to be doing that again.

My plan is to take a break from hard running during the hottest part of the summer. Hope to get in some swimming.

Thanks again.

Congratulations on your achievement! You really are an inspiration. I am finding out first hand how quickly vigorous exercise can put me on the road to health. It feels so good to be able to run/walk/climb without getting SOB or just plain wiped out!

I'm sure you will reach your weight loss goal and do that marathon. And I'm still excited about the idea of a VR team for the Pikes Peak Challenge - any takers besides Tom and me?
Tom & Bill

If you folks are talking about the 2005 Pikes Peak Marathon, then add my name to the team list. I've always wanted to try it. I am currently training for my first post surgery marathon, The Air Force Marathon scheduled for Sept. 18th of this year.

Hi Tom

Congratulations on your first (of many???) Half Marathon. I am really pleased for you. I really enjoy hearing of people like yourself who set a target to aim at and actually see it through. I have a big race next weekend and I have been putting a lot of effort into getting fit for it (without over doing it). I have managed to loose the extra weight I have been carryng recently and feel really good because of it. My aim is just to finish and with people like yourself to think about I am sure I will be OK.

Good luck with your next race/venture

Hi Tom, Congratulations - it's such a GREAT FEELING to 'FINISH' a half marathon. Its like being on top of the mountain - and the feeling that you can do 'anything' you set your mind to. All that hard work - and you were able to make your dream come true. ;)

Wonderful News - I'm so happy for you. :D I hope you make all your dreams come true and may the wind always be at your back and the sun always shine in your face and journey always be memorable. :)

Take Care
Runner (Marilyn and Dick)
Congratulations Tom! That is a awesome time, and you should be very proud of yourself for not just accomplishing your goal of 13.1 miles, but in keeping a pace like that for the entire distance. Most healthy people cannot run a 9:35 pace for a half-marathon in your age group. (funny, I didn't know age groups went that high!!!! he he he :D ) All joking aside, you have set an example for all of us to follow, and with unending determination. You smoked it buddy!

Regarding my age ..... I finished 18th out of 23 in the 45-49 age group and 10th out of 13th among "Clydesdales" . That is humbling. 7 of the 13 Clydesdales were 45-49. Speaking of humbling.....the Boston Marathon winner yesterday took only 4 more minutes (2:10) than it took me to run half the distance (2:06).

I chatted with a bunch of happy people after the finish line. One guy is about 6'-9" and 250#. He lost 100 lbs in the last year and won the "Hippo" division in his first "half" race - under 2 hours. I wonder if the smile on my face was as big as his. Wish I had a mirror. Two sisters ran the entire race together chatting the whole time - getting caught up......priceless.

White Rock Lake is not far from downtown Dallas. The course circles the lake. While the homes around the lake are immen$$$$e on huge plot$$$ of land, the surrounding neighborhoods are very dense. The lake trail draws a lot of cyclists, joggers, and walkers. It was very busy place. Lots of folks of all shapes and sizes were getting in shape, staying in shape, or taking it to the next level. Everybody was very friendly.

It's Tuesday and my joints are fine. My muscles are a little stiff. My blisters are hardening up, but still a litlle tender. I'm still hoping that as the joint stiffness goes away, I will be able to test my muscles more at the longer distances. Saturday's race and recovery fits that model, and is encouraging on that point.

I'll take another day off and then tune up for a local 5k on May 1st. I'll know a lot of folks in that run, so it will be a blast. After all of the running at long distances, I'm anxious to see if I can increase my speed at the 5k distance.

I'm still hoping to run a training run at marathon distance in late May or mid June. I've worked up the mileage, so I'd like to finish this round of training with a memorable achievment, even if it is informally running around the neighborhood. Then some significant time off during the hot summer.

Thanks again for the encouragement.