Guess who came to visit yesterday afternoon.....

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
Cort?s road trip took him right by my house..... here's the proof!! :D We had an excellent visit.
You Two Must Have Had A Fun Visit....

You Two Must Have Had A Fun Visit....

:D :D Hi Rain,
It's really cool that Cort visited you on his trip, I bet you guys had a great time at the Reunion and with your visit yesterday...Hopefully, I will make it to the next Reunion, although as soon as I get my SS, I am planning on taking a trip back out west...Glad to hear you guys had a great time at the reunion.. Take Care, Harrybaby :D
Hey Cort,
I thought you were going to change clothes? :D :D
I am glad you are having a Great Road Trip. :)
Take Care
Hmm, well ahem, I guess I really do need to put out road spikes when he's anywhere near me. :)
Ummm, Cort - That car next to you, you know -- the one with the Illinois plates -- has way too many doors to be any sort of Monte Carlo that I ever saw. What were you THINKING? Aren't the girls back home angry with you?

Seriously, I'm glad you've had such a great trip and wish I could have been out there with you.
It must be a great feeling!!

It must be a great feeling!!

It's so nice how some of you can go and visit each other. I don't expect anyone to come all the way to Brazil to see me, but I wish someone would. Anyway, it serves me right for having been born so far away!LOL! You live in a very nice house, Rain.
Thank you, Debora.

Thank you, Debora.

Cort needed a picture of him, his car and my house all in the same picture to prove he was really here! That's why you can see so much of my house. :)

We had a very nice visit, he only got to stay a couple hours, he was on his way to Albuquerque, NM. But I?m sure glad he came by.

Your postcards were in my mailbox when I got back home. I?ll add them to the board for next year?s reunion. Thanks for sending them!! It would be so awesome if you could make it to a reunion in person!! But I understand how hard it is when its so far away and you have a family to take care of.
At last!

At last!

Hello again, I'm glad to hear that the postcards have finally arrived at their destination. It was a pity though that it was too late! Anyway, where are all the others? Will they be shown on the site like the pictures? They've also come up great, by the way!
Débora :)

My trip is almost over....



But, this coming Saturday, I get to see Marsha (catwoman) and her husband and meet Niki and Janet!!! Suzy from CHDWebring will probably join us, too!!! Marsha...I really really really appreciate you helping getting things together. I didn't think I'd have a chance to get online tonight...but, here I am.


Now to respond to some of these....

*peers at Harrybaby*

What SS? Or don't I want to know...?


Yes, Karlynn, I do get around...just not in the, uh, "good" way ;). He he he he........


Dave...I never change clothes.... But, if you believe that....

*smirks and smiles*

Ross...I've been past your place many a time with no spikes hitting me from you. But, you'll have another chance August 2005 when my road trip again takes me east.....


Well, Steve...that is the Chevrolet Classic. Yes, I rented. I do miss having my '87 MC LS on this road trip with me, but I feel so much more relaxed with the rental because I'm not "worried" (wrong word, but you get the drift) about my car. Plus, I'd want to drive and show off all 5 of my MCs on this trip...and I can't do that anyway...he heh. Also...if anything does happen (and, yes, I do trust my baby girls), it is a quick call and a few hours before a new car instead of a few days and goodness knows how much money for repairs....

And, Rain...thanks for the was great to stop and rest for a bit...and, of course, the fellowship. You do have a wonderful home!


Gotta get to bed. In Oklahoma City tonight...onto Wichita Falls TX in the morning then to Dallas. Lookin' forward to the "heart outing" Saturday evening. Those "in the know"...I'll call ya'll Saturday morning sometime to plan the specific time....
knightfan2691 said:

*smirks and smiles*

Ross...I've been past your place many a time with no spikes hitting me from you. But, you'll have another chance August 2005 when my road trip again takes me east.....
Better travel with an extra set of tires this time Mr.! I think you'll be needing them. :D
Debora, It looks like we will be in Rio enroute to Buenos Aires in a few months. I probably won't be able to stop and see you as my schedule will be in the hands of another but I will definitely think about you and wish you well as I pass through your country.
OH My God!!!!

OH My God!!!!


You and Cort are absolutely hilarious!!! I could just picture it now, you watching carefully to see him coming down the road and throwing the spike strips right in front of him, and he swerves to miss and ends up in the puckerbrush!!! You guys have me laughing so hard that I am afraid I will have my asthma to contend with...LOL :D :D :D :D Harrybaby666
I'm determined to meet him yet! He's been gettin around me for 2 years now. He's going to aggravate me until I send the boys out after him. :D
Nah, don't need an extra set of tires...I'll just get another rental ;).


I love aggravating people....but, I enjoy meeting people more :).
Hey Cort...You Know who the "boys" are dont ya?

Hey Cort...You Know who the "boys" are dont ya?

I ran into some of Ross's "boys" not to long ago, and they seemed pretty determined to me...Here is a pic. LOL :D :D :D