Guardsmen return home from Afghanistan after two years.

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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2001
I am a bit late with this article but in the picture is my daughter Michelle and her husband Trevor who had just returned home from Afghanistan after being gone for nearly two years.
They had their 15 minutes of fame by being interviewed by the local paper and local TV station. My husband and I were there for all the festivities but we are not in the pictures but my name is mentioned in the article.
Below is the article and pictures. Click on the pictures to make them bigger.

Guardsmen return home after 2 years

Several dozen members of the Arizona National Guard were reunited with
their loved ones Wednesday after almost two years away from home.
The Guardsmen, the first 77 members of the 1-285th Aviation Battalion
to return from training in Texas and a year of service in Afghanistan,
got straight t...
Please thank your son-in-law and daughter for their service, Christina. So glad he is home!!
What a touching photo!! Almost 2 years - that's incredible and quite a sacrifice for the entire family. Please extend my deep appreciation for the service of your son-in-law and entire family.