Green Beans - Cooked My Style

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Jul 19, 2007
New Mexico
If you grow green beans in your garden, & even if you buy them at the market, this is one recipe I think you'll be making over & over!

You'll need:

1.) Approximately 1/2-lb or 1 lb. green beans (wash, cut off little curly ends & snap into inch to inch-1/2 pieces

2.) Place in pot. Put enough water to cover over --- I usually mix in 1/2" cup of Low-sodium Chicken broth to water for cooking. Cook until beans can be easily pierced w/a fork. Turn off & keep them in pot along w/the liquid they boiled in.

In a frying pan, melt a little bit (about 1/2 tsp.) bacon grease if you have some. (I have a little pot where I pour all my left over bacon grease to add a little bit of flavor to some of my recipes.)

Chop up about 1/3-cup of yellow or white onion, 1/2- tsp. finely chopped garlic, 1 - medium ripe tomato (chopped), (sun kissed garden tomatoes are the best!) & place in frying pan w/melting or hot bacon grease. Mix & saute together but do not allow them to overcook.

Pour in your green beans & reserved liquid into pan & simmer together for about 10 minutes.

You may add a few cubed bits of mozarella cheese & allow cheese to melt w/the mixture or eat them plain if you so desire.

Now enjoy!:)
My Mom always sauteed a bit of bacon drippings with green beans. As a young child, I was the bean cutter.
And of course the real treat is simmering them with pears which is correctly called:
Bohnen, Birnen und Speck. (beans, pears and bacon)
I recall a summer or two when I was young when my mother put in a particularly enormous garden.
My brother and I got paid ten cents an hour to pull weeds. Ugh!

And I remember the monstrous pots of green beans that had to be washed and snapped.
There were so many, I think I snapped them in my sleep. It took forever.

Although there were very many things my mother cooked fabulously, green beans weren't one of them.
Her recipe was: boil until slimey :eek: .

I only recently began liking green beans again when my husband's (now-late) great aunt taught me how to prepare them--with a bit of bacon and barely done. Yum, yum!

Thanks for the recipes and the stroll down memory lane!
I guess this could be done with a little lean bacon and omitting the bacon grease? This recipe sounds fantastico!
I guess this could be done with a little lean bacon and omitting the bacon grease? This recipe sounds fantastico!

The bacon I buy is the Lower-Sodium kind. And it only takes a little bit of it to give your food a great flavor! :)

I use a little bit of bacon grease too when I cook pinto beans. When my pinto beans are nice & tender in the pot, I add a 1/2-tsp of bacon grease & boil them just a bit longer. They come out so tasty!!!

P.S. I want to add too, that previous tests I have undergone, caths, etc., have shown that my arteries are nice & clean, in case you're wondering...... :)
I buy the package of fresh haricot vert at Sam's Club (skinny green beans) and I could eat them all for dinner. I have recently been fixing them the way a friend showed me.

Saute finely chopped onion in some olive oil (I use macadamia nut oil. Tobagotwo recommended it and I've replaced a lot of my olive oil use with it.) and put the beans in and cook until al dente. Melt a little pat of butter in the beans and then splash some balsamic vinegar on them and mix. It's good hot or cold.
I buy the package of fresh haricot vert at Sam's Club (skinny green beans) and I could eat them all for dinner. I have recently been fixing them the way a friend showed me.

Saute finely chopped onion in some olive oil (I use macadamia nut oil. Tobagotwo recommended it and I've replaced a lot of my olive oil use with it.) and put the beans in and cook until al dente. Melt a little pat of butter in the beans and then splash some balsamic vinegar on them and mix. It's good hot or cold.

Ummmm, this sounds good too! I'll have to try them this way. (I bet you could add a little bit of garlic to the saute mixture too --- I love fresh garlic & use it in a lot of my salsas & foods! :)

Can you buy the "macademia" oil at Sam's, do you know?
Unfortunately I haven't found a place to buy the oil other than online.
Green Bean Add-In

Green Bean Add-In

I make my green beans similar to this, but add in a few new potatos while they cook. New potatos are small, or fingerling, young taters usually dug fresh out of the garden as the plants start to mature. :)Oops, my Appalachian dialect is coming out in my typing....

Put them on a plate, and your tongue will beat your teeth out trying to get to them!!!