Gray area in vision, anyone else

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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2010
Nashville, TN
I looked at old threads on vision, but none seemed to touch on gray areas in vision. The ones I have are every now and then, a few times a month for several minutes. It look like there is gray sludge on the windshield that moves when I look around. It slowly fades away in a few minutes.

I thought I would ask here because it could be linked to coumadin use or the other stuff I take such as beta blockers.
Grey areas hummm.
I sometimes get a grey/white kaleidoscope type of vision on one side of the pupil - it's not in my whole eye vision area, if you know what I mean. It too only lasts at the most 2 minutes and I'm only on warafrin, no beta blockers.

Eye Doc said, 'it sometimes happens when your eye gets tired' and it's nothing to worry about.

BTW, I can go for months before I experience an "episode", in fact I had one just a coouple of days ago while watching the Olympics on TV.......and I don't think I or my eye was tired.
I get the same thing, gray or just the colors of the surrounding area becoming slightly blurry like sludge collecting at the bottom of a windshield. Also since my surgery I have been getting these occasional orbs (streak-like blips) of light across my eyes mostly in my peripheral. Currently I am not on any thinners or beta blockers. I was on metoprolol for a short period in the hospital after my surgery.
Yeah, I have both and have had for decades.

Hook, google for eye floaters. You have a big one. Ain't nuthin you can do about it.

Freddie, what you have is called a silent migrane. Pictures of the auras you see are on line too.
Yep, I was thinking opthalmic migraine also. grey/blind spot, grows, then gets surrounded by zigzag lines/aurora borealis. I get them. No headache, but frequently nauseous and sensitive to light, followed by migraine hangover.
This sounds like Freddie has a minor migraine.
Ditto to all, though I've never had anything gray. Also I can't stop laughing, such a serious question yet I just keep watching Jim Careys reaction on your avatar, it's priceless :)
There is also a probability of residual side effects from the anesthesia. I was seeing stars, floating nebulae, & so on up until about a month ago. Aug. 22 will be a year since my surgery.
Yeah, I have both and have had for decades.

Hook, google for eye floaters. You have a big one. Ain't nuthin you can do about it.

Freddie, what you have is called a silent migrane. Pictures of the auras you see are on line too.

HERE IS THE GOOD NEWS my wife HAD floaters most of her life and had scary glasses she saw an ocular surgeon who drained the right eye and rehydrated it (Vitreo Retinal Surgery) more floaters in that eye, but in under a year developed a cataract that was corected and then her other eye underwent Vitreo Retinal Surgery and a preventative cataract lens done at that time ..................forget the heavy coke bottle Rx now needs only a drug store reading glass ........I have no idea what this would cost stateside but was fuly covered here

I am losing my vision to macular degeneration (another damning benefit of diabetes) and see gray areas

Here is a link to Dr Gonder and the Ivey Eye Institude

You may want to contact their office to find someone in your area the french say Bonne Chance !!!