Got my INRatio2!!!!

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Alex B Supporter
Supporting Member
Jul 30, 2009
Portland, OR
Got my Christmas present this year. The lady at the lab is going to be pissed when she doesn't see her favorite pincushion. I used the INRatio2 for the first time this week. The first couple of tries failed because I didn't use a large "hanging" drop, I just got a drop and pushed it on there. An error code told me to try again. Third time was the charm! I like the little unit and the flexibility to use it from home.

For those of you looking into getting one, here is an outline of what I did.

1.) Called insurance 30 days post-op, they told me that I was a candidate for this device and they would pay for it, but that I had to wait until 90 days post-op.
2.) Talked to my cardiologist about the device, he said he would suport it.
2.) Called QAS - 90 days post-op, and told them I wanted to test at home. They took down all my info (Name/Addy/Insurance/Dr).
3.) QAS mailed a form to my cardiologist for approval, he signed it and mailed it back 100 days post-op
4.) QAS turned around and submitted to insurance for approval 110 days post-op
5.) Insurance accepted and responded to QAS about 3 weeks later - 130 days post op
6.) QAS called me to tell me that it was being shipped and to schedule the training appointment
7.) INRatio2 arrived, I watched the DVD and then had a phone training session - 136 days post-op.
Ugh, sooo jealous! But seriously, congratulations, that's great. I've tried twice, not such good luck with my insurance. But, keeping the faith that one day I too will be a home-tester! Enjoy!
Hi Alex

Congrats on your INR's just the best, isn't it. I noticed that you said you had trouble because you didn't have a large enough "hanging drop" of blood. We use the capillary refill tubes.....they just suck that blood right up off your finger tip and you can just put it right down where you want it on the strip. We have found it very convenient for us....that's also what our cardio's office coumadin clinic uses and she was the one who told us about them. Well worth it, and not very expensive. They come in tubes of 100, so one tube will last almost two years. We got them from Qas. Don't know how many people on the list use them, but to us, they're a life saver.

Enjoy the convenience of your machine. It's soooo great.
