got my date for surgery Scheduled for 6th october

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Well-known member
Oct 24, 2008
hertfordshire uk
just got my date for surgery sheduled for 6th october 2nd op of the day,also got to go to Papworth hospital on the 22nd for xray and blood test and then a nurse is going to give a talk to a small group of us all facing the surgery and show us round to take some of the anxiety out of the whole hospital and operation.
not really sure how i feel i new it was coming but just feel a bit numb at the moment!
Having a surgery date already takes some of the anxiety away. But also realise that many questions will race through your mind until then try and get as much information to make informed decisions and then leave it to the dr's. Wishing you well over this waiting period and we will keep the 6th in mind. Johan

Glad that you've got a date. It always seems a little surreal when it is finally set. but it also means that it will be behind you sooner than later.
I went through pre-op yesterday and you will get alot of your questions answered and probably a little more info. that you will really want to have. All in all, it was very helpful for my husband and myself.

Thinking of you,
Dean, I'm ahead of you (22 September) and Ottawa follows you. I just suggested to her a book I found last month: "Coping With Heart Surgery and Bypassing Depression" by Carol Cohan, Carol Cohan MA, and June B. Pimm Ph.D. I found it helpful because it gives some practical suggestions for preparing for surgery and for recovery afterwards. I hope all goes well with you in these next weeks and I look forward to hearing more from you as you prepare and then later as you recover.
Hey Dean, Well seems like you are on your way... I am sending you lots of positivie thoughts. Soon your heart will be mended and with the help of lots of drugs, everything will be but a memory. Keep us updated and look forward to hearing about your experience after surgery. Take Care:D
Sending prayers & well wishes to you Dean for a successful surgery! We will be anxiously awaiting the good news.

I will write you in the calendar!

Hi Dean, I didn't realize you were so close to surgery, I guess I haven't followed posts closely. Well, this is great news that you will leave the waiting room behind and concentrate on recovering soon. Wishing you all the best and I will look for more details about your surgery regularly.
Dean, May you have a successful surgery and a speedy recovery. Look forward to hearing from you when your over the RAINBOW!!! Good Luck and God Bless.
It's good that you got your date, gives you time to do last minute picking out cool PJ' Lot's of luck on your surgery, don't worry, the numbness goes away, and they give you really good drugs...before you know it it will be all over and just a memory. Looking forward to seeing you on the other side of the mountain,,,,Godspeed. :)
thanks for all the messages and prayers i really appreciate it , its strange i feel a sort of strange calmness at the moment ,not the emotional wreck i was anticipating but theres still a way to go yet!! thank god this forum exists i dont wish this roller coaster ride on anyone but i am glad im not alone, and to all of you who have shared your experiences and offer advice and help me and others through these trying times, you truly are special people thankyou
i am sure i will have more to ask and say as the date gets nearer !
Dean, Having the date is nerve racking at first but you will find relief in it soon. I went from anxious to calm, then anxious again and now feeling calm about surgery, just wanting to get my stuff together for hospital. My surgery is in 2 days and it's hard to believe in just a few days I'll have a new aortic valve. Hang in there and know that the emotional roller coaster is very normal and everyone here will help get you through. I will be thinking of you and praying for you on October 6th.

God bless,
thanks lori ,good luck and best wishes for a succesful surgery and smooth recovery be looking for you in the post surgery forum
Dean, emotional roller-coaster is as good description as I have heard, and you will probably go through some emotions you can't even put a name to! Many of us here had to resort to some kind of anti-anxiety and/or sleeping pills in the last few weeks/days before; the better you feel going in, the faster and easier you will recover - and lack of sleep is NOT a good thing!

As has been said, we'll all be there with you (it gets crowded in the OR but we manage :) ); post any questions you may have, and don't forget to watch out for the truck (or in your case, lorry) that gets us all.
thanks netmiff,my doctor has given me 5mg diazapam tablets to take the edge off things ,although i only take these when the going gets tough thats normally when mind starts running over everything in to much detail
that lorry gets closer everyday think i can here it coming now!! just waiting for the hit !
Dean, my primary care Doctor has become a friend over the 10 years we have worked together and I have found I can trust her judgment. When I got my ticket for the roller coaster, she recommended that I begin using a mild anti-depressant both to help with the period before surgery and, especially, afterwards. She said that, frequently, there is a period of depression following surgery and that this is much more likely if one has ever had a serious depression in the past as I did after my Father's death. Since it takes a few weeks for the mild drugs to begin working at full strength, she had me start at the beginning of August. I can say that a month later my mood is lighter now and I am sleeping a little better than I was. Finally, I am trying to never forget that surgery is the good thing that is happening because it opens a path to a healthy future. None of us are eager for surgery but surgery is not the enemy. I just met an 82 year old lady that was being discharged from the hospital who looked like my grandmother. If she can smile and laugh a few days after a valve replacement, I think I can do no less.
thanks mentu, i have had medication for depression when my mother died quite a few years back now , i do try to avoid any drugs if possible but have been reaching for the diazapam 5mg when i am not coping emotionally, but still only as a last resort ,
at this moment in time trying to take it day by day. but i am counting the days and minutes down, not much else in my mind at the moment the waiting is truly awful, the 1% is still playing on my mind sounds stupid when i write it down but thats where my mind keeps going as the day gets closer!
Wishes a successful surgery.......& looking for you in the post surgery forum


srinivas Heart History:
13/6/2008 2D Echo Diagnosed Ascending Aortic Dissection ,Bicuspid aortic valve, Moderate AR at the age of 38(2008)
9/6/08 CT scan shows Aneurysmal dilation of aortic root and ascending aorta with dissection extending upto brachio cephalic trunk and mild aneurysm
16/07/08 Operative findings & repair. Aortic aneurysm approx size 10 cms diameter.Aneurysm extd upto 1c m from innomiate artery. Mod. Bental DC Bono surgery procedure done to repair my anueuysm with#25 mm St.Jude medical valved conduit(SN 84094003.REF25CAVGJ-51400 AOROTIC VALVED GRAFT) At CARE Hospital Bangara Hills,Hyderabad,India. Surgeon: Dr K.s. Neelakandan gave me re birth! Dr . Sridar,Dr.Amreesh, Dr.Jagannatham completed the formalities.