Good valve names?

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Well-known member
Jul 4, 2003
Boulder, CO
Since bibliophile started the idea of naming the valve, I wondered if we might come up with good valve names as a public service to the forum.. . .?

For starters, we could have a valve named "Flipper".

Or maybe one named "Flo" ?

In honor of our favorite NPR Car Talk celebs, we could name one "Click & Clack" (maybe this could be Cort's valve's name. . .:) )

And I am sure there is at least one valve out there that should be named "nothing but trouble. . ."

What else?:D
"The Captain Hook Special"
With that click, the croc will always find you!
LOL, Melissa! Great start!

While I like "click'n'clack", I'm a thinkin' we should go something more Chevy and/or Monte Carlo-specific for me. Like...mebbe..."Heartbeat Heaven" ... or ... "Shining Knight" ... or ... "Heart Shield".


I dunno....guess I'm not very creative tonite...LOL!

Cort S, pig's valve & pacemaker-enhanced 30/swm
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I'm still trying to decide if I got a male or female one before I decide on a name.... I would love to name mine though.

I like "butterfly". I had mine put in while they were counting (and recounting) ballots in Florida election 2000.

"Butterfly" goes well with the car theme.

"Butterfly" is like the freedom you feel when it's all over.
I start off with 'Bluff Buster'.

While playing poker, the guys will know when I'm bluffing because the clicking will get more rapid! Not fair!!!!
Name that tune....

Name that tune....

Love your post, Melissa.... a great idea to name it... Several friends of mine have called me Timex for years. Saw that mentioned elsewhere here. Seems this crowd has gotten somewhat younger since I used to post here regularly. It is good to see the group is bigger, stronger and just as enthusiastic!

My Granddaddy always called me zipper.... one of the best lines I heard was a boyfriend that after hugging me for the first time, said "I can only give it a 5"... me; HUH?? "Well, it has good rhythm, but it's hard to dance to". You gotta be older to get that one!
I call my valve my Timex.

Several family members it ticking away while I was in the hospital. I went from the hospital to my parents' home, and they had a big sign waiting for me, "Here Comes The Ticker!"

I fly a lot on weekends and was concerned that I'd be ticking away on a jetway or sitting on the plane and someone would become hysterical and alert the TSA. No problem so far.

Wish these valves would come with options -- such as alarms, waking up to music. Wouldn't have to pack a clock or listen to a jarring wake-up call from the front desk. :D
you bet

you bet

Hey Buddy, another blast from the past. YOU I mean, not Dick Clark. But yes, that was the answer. I thought it was funny. How you been?? Haven't heard from Janie, thought I would if she saw me post here.... Don't have her current email I don't think.
Wow, a blast from the past "Tic Tok of Oz". I would wager that 99% of the people don't know there are other Oz stories. I remember reading that book at my Aunt's house at Thanksgiving about 100 years ago.

Don't want to leave the tissue guys out. Those with pig valves could be Wilbur (from Charlotte's web), bovine valves could be Elsie, and homographs could be Michael Jackson for a boy or Ellen Degeneris for a girl (sorry!).


How about Meloday the Mitral Valve. Does everyone's valve sound louder or feel different when you get nervous or upset. It kinda makes me nauseated at times when I feel it and hear it.?
Click ..What click?

Click ..What click?

I'm sitting here wondering what yall are talking about?Am I suppose to hear a clicking? Never..Maybe they lied to me. Put a placebo (sp?) in me..So help me..I never hear any thing.I'm going to ask for a refund back:D Bonnie
How 'bout us "fixer-up-ers"?

How 'bout us "fixer-up-ers"?

I was thinking my mitral valve coulda been called Flo before surgery. But now I think I'll refer to her as "Tweakheart". Since the surgeon was explaining to my husband how he tweaked this and tweaked that when he did my repair.

BTW, here's a picture of my ponytail holder: