Gonna be a long day!

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
It's 9:15 am and already I'm starving. Let me hear some ideas of how to keep the belly full on nothing but clear liquids. I have jello, bullion, apple juice, gingerale, coffee and of course, Gatorade, but is there something else you can think of?
no red liquids, right?
oh, you poor thing. is this for the colonoscopy? if so, the prep is worse than the actual event.
just keep drinkin'!
sorry, no other suggestions....
let us know how you are..
be well, sylvia
Ross said:
It's 9:15 am and already I'm starving. Let me hear some ideas of how to keep the belly full on nothing but clear liquids. I have jello, bullion, apple juice, gingerale, coffee and of course, Gatorade, but is there something else you can think of?

Ross, really watch the bullion. It is loaded with salt. How about making a big pitcher of ice tea and adding a little lemon and sweetener? Maybe because here in the South we drink so much of it but I almost always have some made up and inbetween meals I big glass does help.
bvdr said:
Ross, really watch the bullion. It is loaded with salt. How about making a big pitcher of ice tea and adding a little lemon and sweetener? Maybe because here in the South we drink so much of it but I almost always have some made up and inbetween meals I big glass does help.

Yep There is always Ice Tea on the counter at my house. It's even decaffinated. My wife drinks the stuff like there is no tomorrow(Alabama Girl).If you drink enough it will fill you up, for a while anyways.;)
I've got tea also. Just trying to think of things that are high calorie content items, which is a joke when it comes to liquids. :(

You have it all covered. Nothing will help much because the hunger is not real it is imagined because you can't eat anything. I never eat anything past midnight but, tell me I can't, and I am starving at 1AM.

Liquids are actually enough to keep you from being hungary but they do not satisfy the desire to chew or desire for loved foods. You might want to check with your doctor to find out if you can chew gum.
Best wishes with your procedure today.

My wife said that low-sodium broth helped her. Maybe because it was warm and seemed like a meal.

I don't think any of it would satiate me when I'm starving.

So, what's for dinner?
If I'm not to dopey from Versed afterwards tomorrow, I'm hitting the first place to eat that I see that isn't fast food and enjoying a nice big lunch!
First Place to Eat...

First Place to Eat...

The hospital here has a Chik-Fil-A and a Mickie D's in the lobby!

I guess they're hoping for more cardiac patients...

...although I will confess to making the CFA a regular stop on the way out!

Hope you feel better, Ross!
lotsa carbs

lotsa carbs

White grape juice is very high in carbohydrates and very tasty.

Or go brush your teeth and pretend you just finished a meal!

Chewing gum helped my husband as well as seasoning low sodium broth so it tasted fancier and not as bland. Hope it helps.
The grape juice sounds good, thats what I would try,wishing you a speedy test.:)
are you a good napper? whenever i couldn't eat, i try to sleep as much as possible. would it help to eat popsicles or icepops?
Yes to ice pops etc. Even took a nappy to waste part of the day away.

The party begins now. I just took the 2 Zelnorm tabs and will be mixing my 64oz magnum of Miralax and Gatorade in about 45 minutes. JOY!
This Miralax is great! No taste to it, so it's just the Gatorade flavor. I think I'll go have my second cup, and third and fourth........
Ross said:
This Miralax is great! No taste to it, so it's just the Gatorade flavor. I think I'll go have my second cup, and third and fourth........
Well, I guess we won't be hearing from you for awhile - unless you have a computer hook-up in the bathroom.;) :D ;)
We had a friend staying with us before his colonoscopy and he hooked his laptop up in our tiny bathroom and watched a movie!