golf after mitral valve surgery

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How long after my mitral valve repair/replacement can I go back to playing golf?

Sorry for this stupid question but I keep thinking of silly questions like these!



I was back on the golf course roughly 3 months post op. Didn't hurt too bad either. I was also in the midst of cardiac re-hab sessions which immensly helped with re-gaining strength, etc. after surgery.

Best regards,
I think Bob went back to playing golf about 4 months after his AVR. The golfing didn't get to him as much as the cold rainy weather did!! He says its been much easier getting back to all his leagues this year after their winter layover that it was last year.


I'm 7 weeks post surgery. My surgeon told me that I couldn't take a full swing for 8 weeks. I just started rehab yesterday and I don't think I'm going to be ready to "grip it and rip it" at the 8 week mark, but I plan on hitting some short irons teed up at the driving range SOON! I think that by the time I'm done with rehab I'll be able to play again (around the 12 week mark).
The Bionic Duo said:
I think Bob went back to playing golf about 4 months after his AVR. The golfing didn't get to him as much as the cold rainy weather did!! He says its been much easier getting back to all his leagues this year after their winter layover that it was last year.


I was swinging a club at the driving range (a very easy swing) at 5 weeks. My surgeon said it would be okay, just don't take a divot anytime soon. Well, famous last words ... 7 months after surgery I was on the 17th hole, and I took a bad divot .... I am not joking, my golf partner (whom just so happens to be from England) actually was about to go get help and call 911. It hurt that bad. I play now and then with no problems. The one thing though I did notice, was I lost about 20 meters on my drives after surgery. :confused: Your guess is as good as mine on that one. My game initially improved because I was trying to slow my swing down so as not to pull my sternum and take that divot. You will be glad to know my game SUCKS now :mad: just like it did before! :D ... Mark
I pulled out the clubs earlier this spring while on vacation, about 8 months post surgery. My advise is to take it slow and build up your endurance.

I'm more of a baseball/softball player than a golfer (as my golf game demonstrates), and in late March I started hitting the cages as I always do pre-season. I had been working out with weights, walking and biking on a regular basis prior and I thought I was ready to get back 100%. After hitting about 75 pitches on a beautiful Chicago early spring day, I went home happy about swinging a bat again. Later that day, my entire rib cage tightened up and I had shooting pain throughout my collarbone area. Due to the coumadin, I couldn't take any Ibuprofin to reduce the muscle swelling so I was in pain that gradually went away in 5 days.

Moral of the story, no matter how better you feel, your body went through quite a shock during surgery and the muscles surrounding the sternum probably tightened up more than you realize. My advise is to stretch, take it slow and gradually increase your swing speed and repetitions. We are now into our second week of softball season, I've played four games and feel fine.
Golf after OHS

Golf after OHS

Englander said:

How long after my mitral valve repair/replacement can I go back to playing golf?

Sorry for this stupid question but I keep thinking of silly questions like these!


Hi Englander! I am putting in my 2 cents here since I may be the only one whose pro also had OHS ( he had a CABG). I followed his instructions to the letter and everthing worked out fine. He said putting and chipping OK at 2 weeks post op. Full shots with the big turn at 8 weeks. I am now 78 and walk 9 holes ( very hilly course) twice a week.