Glucosamine Chondroitin

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I have taken Glucosamine Condroiten for several years. About two months before my surgery when I went into A-Fib, I was put on Coumadin (among other things including Amiodarone). At that time, I stopped taking certain supplements like the Glucosamine Condroiten. After my surgery, I was on Coumadin for almost a year since my cardio was concerned about my fast heart rate (which was much faster when I went to see him - white-coat syndrome). In any case, a few months after my surgery (still on Coumadin), I started back on the Glucosamine Condroiten. It didn't seem to affect my INR. Amiodarone was the only thing which really affected my INR. Once that was out of my system, I was very stable.
GLUCOSAMINE (in Glucosamine Hydrochloride) may interact with WARFARIN SODIUM (in Warfarin Tablets)

Chemicals in glucosamine may reduce the blood's ability to form clots. When taken together with drugs like warfarin that also decrease the blood's ability to clot, glucosamine can increase the risk of dangerous bleeding. Individuals who take both may need more frequent blood tests to make sure that blood is clotting properly. Those who experience problems may need to stop taking glucosamine until warfarin is discontinued. Discuss this potential interaction with your healthcare provider at your next appointment, or sooner if you think you are having problems.