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I appreciate everyones good thoughts in the other thread but thought I would start a new one to give you my info :D

Today I'm cleaning like a little bee....where did all this laundry come from?? Ugh! Tomorrow morning hubby and I leave around 7:00 to drive to Gainesville, 2 hours away. I have a CT scan at 11:30 but I have to be there at 9:30 to drink the yummy stuff :eek: I don't believe I've had a CT scan before, is it the same as an MRI??

At 1:30 or so I have pre-op, chest scan, history, all that crap, then I meet with Dr. Martin at 3:30 to discuss valve....I think I'm going bovine. Then we can have dinner and early bed because surgery is at 7:30, don't know what time I have to be there yet but I'm sure it's early.

Anyway, I will see you all on the other side, my friend Debbie will be getting on my name on Wednesday after she hears from my hubby. She'll give you an update! :)
Hopefully someone else will now take over the laundry for about a month.....I could not pull the wet stuff out of the washer......the pulling is amazingly difficult for awhile.

It is nice to hear your timetable so that we can follow you through this mentally. Never had a CT scan that I'm aware of so can't help you there.

I know you were taking your time making your decision about which kind of valve. It's good that you are committed.....go in with confidence, whatever you and your surgeon decide tomorrow.

You will really be in my thoughts! I know you'll do fine! You're one tough customer! ;)


Cat Scan

Cat Scan

Here is an example.

Remember it hurts to LAUGH for a little while after OHS!!!!!

Good luck and,

May God Bless,

Danny :)

Lynn, we wish you the very best and I know you will feel all your friends by your side as they wheel you into surgery. Look forward to hearing all good results from Debbie and even more we look forward to your posts when you are home!
Lynn - wishing you all the best!! May your guardian angel be at your side. Will be looking for Debbie's posts!! Good luck and Godspeed!!
Hi Lynn,

Best wishes for your Big Day. I did the same cleaning spree before my surgery. Washed everything in sight, had groceries stocked up for a month... I think it helps keep your mind occupied!

Thanks for having your friend post, and we'll be looking forward to hearing your own successful report soon. You'll be in my prayers for a speedy, boring recovery.

A CT scan is not the same as an MRI. My wife just had a CT Scan to check out a cyst on her kidney (there had been no change in a year and thank goodness she's okay). The worst part is drinking the barium two hours before but even that is better than it used to be. They had favored varieties that (they said) taste something like a fruit smoothie, and my wife said it indeed was less yucky than the barium she used to have to swallow.

Anyway, this should be one less worry for you. Sounds like everything is on schedule for you. We will be sending our best thoughts and prayers and good vibes and we look forward to seeing you on the other side.

You and your husbuand will be in my prayers. After you heal, I am certain you will notice a considerable difference. I know I do. Best wishes.

Hi Lynn,

Thanks for the update - it's good to know what you will be doing so that we can keep you in our thoughts at the specific times. Good luck with everything - I look forward to Debbie's post telling us how well your surgery went - Jeanne :)
Best Wishes.....

Best Wishes.....

*Best Wishes and prayers coming your way for 'clear sailing' through the surgery and recovery.......
All the very best for a smooth trip over the OHS mountain...

Dont worry about CT's , they are easy compared to MRI's, no claustrophobic tunnels just an open donut-type ring you will go through a few times, the holding-your-breath bit is the same though but they are very fast .
I'll be thinking of you on Wednesday Lynn and hoping for the smoothest possible experience for you.

I've had at least four CT's and have never had to drink anything--wouldn't that be for a GI thing?--but they do put spurts of contrast dye in your arteries and that rushes to the back of your nasal area and crotch with a warm glow, which is a little weird but not uncomfortable or anything. As Ton said, they slide you in and out of a big donut and tell you to hold your breath a few times while an x-ray camera runs around the inside of the donut on a gantry taking pictures.

All the best and only the best.
Let me add our best wishes for as successful surgery, and smooth, smooth recovery.

Wayne and Marybeth