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Active member
Oct 27, 2012
Winston-Salem North Carolina
Hi everyone,

After being monitored for a year for I have my date for surgery to treat my BAVD and a growing ascending aorta (currently 4.7 cm) on the 29th of this month.

I have had some time to come terms with the fears from this and have gained knowledge, confidence, and reassurance from posts and replied from the amazing members of this fine forum.

I wanted to thank you all and ask that you have me in your thoughts and prayers.

let's do this!

Hi everyone,

After being monitored for a year for I have my date for surgery to treat my BAVD and a growing ascending aorta (currently 4.7 cm) on the 29th of this month.

I have had some time to come terms with the fears from this and have gained knowledge, confidence, and reassurance from posts and replied from the amazing members of this fine forum.

I wanted to thank you all and ask that you have me in your thoughts and prayers.

let's do this!


You're in my thoughts man. Good luck. You're going to be FIXED. Stay in touch.
Justin- It is not as bad as the world reacts to a OHS. It is just a matter of patience, positive attitude and a smile. We are all praying, you would be okay actually not just okay refreshed, active and better than you ever felt. All the best. Keep smiling. :)
Justin- It is not as bad as the world reacts to a OHS.

with the right luck yes, that's right. With bad luck no, its hell on wheels. Fortunately the odds are in your favor. But make no mistake, it can be utterly terrible. I'm very glad you had a good recovery AmyR, but don't be misled into think its not without risks. Not everyone gets off lightly.
Justin, I'll be cheering and praying for you up here in Wisconsin. When do you go for surgery?
We'll want to hear from you in the "post surgery" forum just as soon as you are able.
Hi Justin, I will definitely keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I put great faith in the power of prayer and positive thinking and you have all of our support and good wishes! Continue with your positive confident attitude and know that we are here for you. I can't speak to how difficult the surgery is ... Mine is on 7/9 ... But I do know that having people who care that are pulling for you to do well sure helps! Last few days before surgery can be a bit nerve wracking, but also sort of calming as you get closer to knowing you will soon be well. Take care and hang in there! ��
I will surely have you in my thoughts and wishing you the very best.
This is a hugely successful surgery and actually less dangerous than many other procedures we hear about.
You'll do great!!!

Please check in with us when you are able. We'll want to hear from you. :)
Justin: Best of luck. I am sure you will do just fine! You have the right attitude. Once it is known that surgery is needed, I believe that you should just get everything that you can in order and get it done. I'm 16 weeks post op tommorrow and doing great.
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Justin - I think the patient's attitude has a lot to do with the quality of outcome. I think you are going into this with a great attitude, and I believe you will do fine. I don't think pellicle is trying to tell you to expect bad outcomes. I believe he is trying to be realistic and say that some patients do not have an easy time at recovery. I didn't - but I'm still here to write about it. I'm lucky enough that 2 years after surgery, I can do whatever I want - and probably more of it than I could do a couple of years before surgery. I think you are younger than I, so I also think you will recover faster. Go for it!
Justin, Heather Anne, Best wishes to you on your surgery and recovery. I'm almost 7 weeks post op now and doing great.
Hey everyone. Sorry for the lack of response I have been living it up here lately and not having a lot off time to get on here.

Thank you again for the good vibes and wishes. I'll be sure to update in the post op forum as soon as I can.

Sten Osis - i go in the morning of Monday the 29th. 7 days and counting:)
Justin1981, the waiting, as everyone says is the worst part. Being 8 weeks post op I must say the recovery has actually been much easier than I thought it would be. Although, they are still trying to regulate my INR. Life is pretty much back to normal now. You will do great in surgery. Just remember to do what they tell you and keep that smile coming. We will all here for you when you get to the other side of the mountain!
Prayers are coming your way.