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Active member
Jul 26, 2013
Windsor, CO
I just want to thank so many of you that have shared their knowledge and experiences for the past few years. I have followed this forum for several years, learning so much from all of you. I will be having my AVR Monday, after being informed about my need for future surgery over 40 years ago. I am relatively calm (actually excited) to get this done and being on the healing side of things. At 47 years old, the biggest stress was valve choice. I am pretty sure I will be going with the St. Jude Regent (mechanical), but I still have a few days to decide. I originally wanted the On-x valve, but my hospital - Medical Center of the Rockies doesn't carry that valve on their formulary, and the On-x rep said he would not be able to get the valve in there for at least a week (I want this surgery done, prior to my son leaving for college). My surgeon Dr. Douthit went through the data with me, and I feel very comfortable with the St Jude valve. Having sold Coumadin for many years, and now Eliquis, I feel pretty comfortable with the potential of home testing and the life long usage of Coumadin, with the hopes that someday the Factor Xa inhibitors will be studied and proven safe for valves.

I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for this forum and the support that is always there for each participant. My faith is in Christ, and my concern is when I will be able to throw batting practice to my team again. Many Thanks!!!
I just want to thank so many of you that have shared their knowledge and experiences for the past few years. I have followed this forum for several years, learning so much from all of you.
I agree - I had my AVR on 7/26, and thanks to lurking here for some time there really were no big surprises. I was able to face the procedure fairly calmly knowing that so many have gone before. My biggest surprises during recovery so far: how tired I have been, how easily I became short of breath, how much water weight I gained after coming home, and how slowly that's dissipating.

Best of luck to you!
Good luck! I originally wanted the On-x valve too, but it wasn't the right size for me so I ended up with an ATS. I am very happy with it. It's very quiet. I have had no problems with the Coumadin, besides remembering to take it! I should be getting a self testing unit in the next couple of weeks. Yay! Sending positive vibes your way. :)
Thanks for the responses. A day out, and I am still calm and actually looking forward to this. I haven't felt bad, symptom wise, just more tired than my usual self. My biggest problem is information overload. I keep looking for more information on the valve choice, and end up back to where I started in the first place. Like many people have said before, we have great choices with these valves, and they are very similar to each other. I hope you both continue to heal great, and I appreciate your support through this. God Bless
dgmoore -- I hear you on the water weight gain! I am up ten pounds from my pre-surgery weight, and I can feel the bloat everywhere. Yuck!!! Stopper -- good luck tomorrow! Keep your great attitude and you will do fine.
Will be thinking of you tomorrow! You will be so happy when you are on the other side of the mountain and you can concentrate on recovery. We will be here for you when you feel like posting. I am 11 1/2 week post op and much better than before surgery! One day at a time.