Gallbladder Attacks & Valve Replacement

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Hello All-

It has been a long time since I've been on, Life Has been good. I'm now 2 1/2 years out from my Ross. I've never felt this good before. I'm doing new things like: Roller Costers, Rock Climing, working out, ect. To this I say "Thank you, Jesus, for saving me. Twice!!!" Over the past 4 weeks I had a bad case of heartburn that I've not been able to get over. I'm having a Ultrasound on 7/21 to see if I have gall stones. If so the Dr. is going to remove the gallbladder. I would like to know if any of you have had gallbladder attacks after OHS, and did you have it remove or left in, why or why not. The Dr. is telling me I need to remove it to keep any risk of infection (now or with any future gall stones) reaching my heart. We all know what that will do!!! Thanks For Your Time.

In Christ,
I have been having problems with heartburn for awhile now and a CAT scan found a gallstone. Prior to that, my doctor diagnosed GERD but that is questionable now.

We have not discussed doing anything about it because meds help the heartburn and there is no sign of infection so..................

Hope they find out what is going on and I will be interested in reading what your doctor suggests and why.
Robert, I'm still in The Waiting Room as far as valve surgery goes, but I've known that I have some gallstones for the past 24 years. I was hospitalized briefly way back then, for an inflammation of the gall bladder. They brought it under control and I've been able to avoid subsequent attacks by (we think) following a farily strict low-fat diet. At least, that's what the doctor prescribed all those years go, and I haven't had any major problems since. Of course, the surgical option 24 years ago was nasty, as they didn't have the laparoscopic alternatives for minimally invasive gall bladder removal. It would have been 10 days in the hospital and up to siz weeks recovery time!

Anyway, maybe they can get it under control for you so that you can have the time to decide whether surgery is right for you. Good luck!
I had my gallbladder removed before OHS. It was not a big deal and honestly I felt so much BETTER afterwards that I would do it again.
My dh and I both had gallbladder attacks the same week:eek: What are the odds?
Turns out He had a ton of stones, and I had a severely diseased GB. So mine had to come out first.
I had one minor complication b/c my surgeon ruptured a blood vessel that bled into a muscle and caused a great deal of bruising and pain for weeks..but THAT was NOT common for the proceedure..
My hubby faired well and was fishing 3 days after his surgery:rolleyes:

Wish you well with it...
and congrats on your new found HEALTH!!
I don't have heart problems, but had my gallbladder out a couple years ago and it was the best thing I ever did, I had awfull reflux, GERD for about 5 years that almost went completely away after my surgery
Cort had his removed about the same time (hmm 2-3 years ago?) and he had a few heart surgeries befdore that. Lyn
gall bladder after ohs

gall bladder after ohs

Funny you asked that question. I never had a gallbladder problem until after OHS> About 4 weeks after, had pain that was in the nighttime, and brought it up at the 6 week visit with surgeon. Was told that a lot of things were moved around in there, so chalked it up to surgery pain. Few weeks later, another attack, was referred to call GP. I didn't, mainly because the pain had not come back.
I asked for some liver enzyne tests to be run a month later when I got blood work to stay in remission from Hodgkins and the levels were way off. Was referred to a surgeon, I was not crazy about another surgery, but they said this would not be an easy emergency situation. I put it off until 2 more attacks, then scheduled the surgery. Was nothing compared to OHS, except that it was a week in the hospital to bring those levels back up(St Judes Mech, Mitral).
jane v
Thanks for all your post!

Thanks for all your post!

I went today for my ultrasound. The guy sad that he could only see one stone. But, He also sad that he only ran the ultrasound but didn't read them. I hoping to hear back from my Dr. by Wed. I'll update you all when I find out more. I'm taking Nexium in the morning and Prilosec OTC at night, and that is really doing the trick for my heatburn.

In Christ,
If it's only one stone they should be able to do it the non-invasive way.
I had mine out back in the mid-seventies and spent 8 days in the hospital, and another 5 weeks recovering at home. A whole lot more time in the hospital than my AVR, and I didn't have any complications either.
By contrast my middle daughter had hers out (it's a family tradition) in her early thirties using the non-invasive method. They did the procedure at 2:30pm and she walked out of the hospital at 5:30pm! I couldn't beleive it. Three days later she had no restrictions whatsoever.
With my daughter's they made three small half inch incisions.
I beleive they said one was for a light, another for some kind of air machine to hold everything out of the way and provide access for surgical tools, and one right thru the navel, which is where they removed the gallbladder.
I'm not 100% sure of all this since it was over ten years ago.
My GF Jodi had her Gall Bladder removed in February.

She was on Coumadin at the time for a DVT and they bridged her for the day surgery.
Three incisions plus Belly button. Camera, Air pump, clamps either side and the cutting/removal tool thingy.
She was in and out in a few hours and back to "normal" in a week or so.

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