Ft. Worth

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Well-known member
Apr 23, 2006
Clay, NY
I'm off to Fort Worth this weekend for the Cowtown Marathon...but only running the half marathon. If anyone stops to watch Sunday morning, I'll be in my cardiac athletes T shirt!
Have a great time! I'm running Jet again in agility this weekend, so I'll wave to you from McKinney.
Good Luck in Ft Worth, you're going to love it. Great crowd support, good course, good food and fun! :biggrin2::thumbup:
Thanks everyone! New courses this year for the race, and they have a half, a full and an ultra this year! Texans are just over achievers!
Well, a personal worse was set! The weekend was great, except for 2 -1/2 hours Sunday morning! The weather was hot (for me) mid 70's and humid. I suffered accordingly, and the race did also as they ran out of water and Powerade at some stops. The course was nice, new this year. I wish I was more prepared for the heat....
Yeah, that's something I learned a long time ago. I think I read it Running Research News. In winter your body acclimates by rerouting the near surface capillaries to conserve heat. Even your sweat production degrades. So when you encounter higher temps, temps that would be very comfortable in July & Aug, you can't shed the heat as well and the core temperature rises faster.
Well, a personal worse was set! The weekend was great, except for 2 -1/2 hours Sunday morning! The weather was hot (for me) mid 70's and humid. I suffered accordingly, and the race did also as they ran out of water and Powerade at some stops. The course was nice, new this year. I wish I was more prepared for the heat....

It was unseasonably warm this weekend. I wasn't home -- had flown to Houston on Friday. I was surprised -- the Cowtown Marathon used to be just a 1-day event. My employer was recruiting employees to volunteer at checkpoints, and that's when I noticed that it was a 2-day event this year.

Hope the weekend was otherwise OK for you down here.
Congratulations on the finish Tom. I had a couple friends run the full. Sorry I missed the first post of this. Doesn't matter the time, disappointment..yes, but we're still out there doing it the best we can on any given day. I just signed up to do the Utah Valley Marathon in Provo UT in June. Will be my first since RnR SD last June. I'm really hoping for a POPR since it's an all downhill course.