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Freddie Supporter
Supporting Member
Jul 19, 2007
Hi Everyone,

I went to the ER late Tuesday night. Had the usual complete blood work done and a CT scan, all came back normal. Was told by the neurologist that I probably had a TIA and sometimes the after effects can last a few days with no damage. The CT scan was compared to the one I had 2 years ago with no abnormalities. (yes I had must first TIA in 2009).

Came home last night. I'm still experiencing the headache off and on today but I think the dizziness has past. The right side of my face still kind of feels numb - like the freezing you get from the dentist that is slowly wearing off; you get that tingle feeling, but in my case it's NOT going away, it comes and goes - this numbness could the new norm for me.

I now know that if this ever happens again I'll go straight to the ER.....I promise!

The question still remains: I know what causes a stroke, but what exactly are causing them? If all of my blood work is good? Good & bad cholesterol is perfect........what's going on to cause these TIA's/strokes?

BTW, thanks everyone for your input.
So glad to get your update, Freddie and I am happy to read that you went to the ER.
Re: the TIA...that is a head scratcher. I would be putting in a call to the cardiologist to have a good discussion about this.
Take good care,
Glad you're home, Freddie. If they ran an MRI, and didn't locate a clot which I assume they didn't or the neurologist wouldn't have called it probably a TIA, I would be looking at strands coming of the valve next.
No chance it's an outbreak of Bell's palsey?
Glad you've pledge to go to the ER directly next time, but hope there is no next time.
Glad to know that there wasn't anything sinister going on w/you, Freddie but I can also understand your frustration in not getting an answer as to "why" TIA's happen? My doctors have never been able to give me a straight answer either, so I just stopped asking.

Hope you continue to do well! Take care! :)
Well, it's about time that you check back in ;)
You could very well have more than one thing going on....regarding the facial numbness, I was thinking the
same thing as Duffey said, Bell's palsey. My neighbour has it along with other stress and heart related issues.
Hopefully your symptoms end up being benign and nothing to worry about.
Interesting that Duffy would mentioned Bells Palsy, I did have it when I was in my early 20's. The doc at that time said it was probably due from having the car window open (a few inches) during the winter and the back of the right side of my neck got cold.

From that, I've had a bit of a crooked smile, so the muscles/nerves have been already weaken and may explain why NOW the same side is being effected.
Freddie, so glad you're back home -- hope and pray all will be well.

Not saying this is relevant to you or not, but in the mid-1990s my wife had a major stroke. An MRI showed nothing significant. But then a great neurologist ordered an enhanced MRI that revealed a brain aneurysm that he concluded had caused the problem. In a VERY scary operation, he capped the aneurysm (that had been above her right eye and also had caused her migraine headaches), and she's done pretty well since.

Not relating this to scare you, but you might ask the medical people about it.
Freddie, I've been out of touch for a few days so I'm only reading this now. I am happy to hear you are home and doing better. Please keep us posted
Yikes, Freddie ... glad you are back home. Thoughts/prayers coming your way....

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"It's coming on Christmas" __ Robert Downey Jr __ 'River'
I'm glad you went to the ER and found out what was going on and that you are OK.
Thanks for posting this information it taught me something about TIAs.

Take care,
I'm glad you went and got checked and WILL go sooner IF this ever happens again..hopefully it wont tho, so you wont have to worry about that.
How are you feeling today?
I'm glad you went and got checked and WILL go sooner IF this ever happens again..hopefully it wont tho, so you wont have to worry about that.
How are you feeling today?

Thanks for asking Lyn.
Today (Saturday) I'm feeling almost normal. The tingling on the right side of my has really subsided - still a little bit there thou. The headaches are about a 3 (with 10 being extreme) and the dizziness I think are gone.

Been wondering though if I could have high blood pressure? Granted it was high when I went into the ER on Wednesday, something like 168 when I first got there ...yikes, but back to range - 132 after a bit.

But when it comes to getting dizzy/fainting with a healthy normal person, doesn't that usually mean low blood pressure?
Thanks for asking Lyn.
Today (Saturday) I'm feeling almost normal. The tingling on the right side of my has really subsided - still a little bit there thou. The headaches are about a 3 (with 10 being extreme) and the dizziness I think are gone.

Been wondering though if I could have high blood pressure? Granted it was high when I went into the ER on Wednesday, something like 168 when I first got there ...yikes, but back to range - 132 after a bit.

But when it comes to getting dizzy/fainting with a healthy normal person, doesn't that usually mean low blood pressure?

I would think so..I've fainted a few times and it is usually because of low BP, or low sugar
Glad your're ok Freddie!

Been in the TIA scare myself back in 05, all the regular doctors thought I had one, similar cat scan results. There was one that thought I had MS, one said it was a reaction to wellbutrine - I stopped that and it improved. What baffled them was that I had an "episode" twice a week, each time I went to the ER like I'm spose to. Each time it was stroke symptoms, facial droop, slurred speach, wonky vision, weakness on my left side. It was over a year before the doctors got to the bottom of it - with me thinkining the big one was going to come anytime! Turns out it was "complex migrane aura" mimicking a stroke. Since heart surgery, that appears to have gone, havn't had an "episode" in a long time.

Thanks for asking Lyn.
Today (Saturday) I'm feeling almost normal. The tingling on the right side of my has really subsided - still a little bit there thou. The headaches are about a 3 (with 10 being extreme) and the dizziness I think are gone.

Been wondering though if I could have high blood pressure? Granted it was high when I went into the ER on Wednesday, something like 168 when I first got there ...yikes, but back to range - 132 after a bit.

But when it comes to getting dizzy/fainting with a healthy normal person, doesn't that usually mean low blood pressure?

I will echo Lynn and say that in my case at least, dizzy spells and feeling faint is usually because of low BP
and/or low sugar levels. It is very important to eat at least 3 meals a day and with enough protein to
counter the effects of carbs and sugars.
Also, I have the migraine auras every few weeks and sometimes the left arm numbness. In those cases
my doc asks me if I have any chest pain or breathing problems, which I don't.
Maybe you are having BP issues?
Glad to see you posting today :)
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