Frankenstein / Halloween

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Well-known member
Dec 17, 2011
So has anyone used the scar from their surgery and gone out as Frankenstein for Halloween? Usually too chilly where I live, but could work in warmer climates...just add bolts to neck an square off your head. Haha
Haven't done that, but we did take the kids to Disney World six months after my last OHS. My scar was still bright red and a bit of a ridge to it. To top that off, I had an infection from cleaning a fish tank. Mycobacterium Marinum (known as "Ick" in fish) is a very slow growing bacterial infection that took a good three months to properly diagnose. I was in the midst of a long course of antibiotics to clear the infection (six months worth). Not sure if anyone would be familiar with this, but it followed the lymph track from my finger tip and made it part way up my fore arm. Large pus filled lumps on my hand and above my wrist, plus little biopsy scars where they drained some lumps. I had them very well covered in waterproof bandanges, but it was all quite gross to look at. Also, for those of you that haven't had your aorta replaced, the heart lung machine was put through a three or four inch lateral incision just below my right clavical. I already had two scars from drainage tubes as well, now I had another three - so a total of five small scars.

So picture this: Waiting in line at the water slide at our resort, a 6' 4.5" 200 lb plus, pasty white Michigander down in the Florida sun with a flaming red foot long verticle scar, 4" lateral scar under shoulder, five little half inch scares all over the place, and gross looking monster hand.

I got some creeped out looks from kids on that trip. But I was never asked to leave the pool area, so that was nice. I really had to supress the urge to let out a good Wookie yell and really scare some people!
LOL...that is classic, could change your username to Swamp Thing - haha. 6' 4.5" 200 pounds I think would be scary enough around the kids..."hey, I was in line ahead of, ye, yes sir..." LOL....I know you would never do that. Thanks for sharing...all healed now I would expect?
SB, Superman is a short little guy. I've got another quarter foot and a bit of extra weight on him, and I'm not the tallest person in our household!
are you saying 6' 7" and related? But you don't ooze out green swamp type gunk - LOL...well, I hope not- LOL. Well, I am 5'10" of those undersized pains in the ass that you want on your team - haha...
It's funny what a difference 3" looks like when you're used to looking down at people all day long. Even looking people in the eye is an odd perspective for me. Probably even stranger for you, BT.
I am sure that doesn't happen very often for both of you...but hey, I can look down at people too because of height...not as many as you, but some - haha
My surgery was just 20 days before Halloween and I could barely function at all, still needed a trip to ER, etc.
But, I did take every opportunity to flash my scar.....I think I scared the mailman and a few neighbours.
Apparently it is not "normal" to stand at the side of the road with your top pulled up. ;)
My surgery was just 20 days before Halloween and I could barely function at all, still needed a trip to ER, etc.
But, I did take every opportunity to flash my scar.....I think I scared the mailman and a few neighbours.
Apparently it is not "normal" to stand at the side of the road with your top pulled up. ;)
BUT it is legal in Ontario LOL
...pasty white Michigander down in the Florida sun

That's the scary part. LOL! And is exactly what we (hubby, boys and I) will all be looking like in about 75 days when we hit the pool on our cruise.
It's funny what a difference 3" looks like when you're used to looking down at people all day long. Even looking people in the eye is an odd perspective for me. Probably even stranger for you, BT.

My wife and I met at the Boston Beanstalks tall club, and it was rare even there for me to run into someone taller than myself. Needless to say, our kids are off the charts in height -- a son who's 6'10" and a daughter who officially claims 6'3", although she was listed at 6'5" for her volleyball club.
So that is where all the height went when God was handing it out...Only if I had a few more of those inches...haha