Four Fantastic Years

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john b

Jul 7, 2010
Oxford, UK
AVR 31st May 2009, June 2009 did not exist, my recovery was slow yet eventually i got back to normal, it took about 3 months. The experience gave me a greater understanding and appreciation of the world we live in and how fortunate we are. I travel and enjoy pysical exercise, these days i dont think about my new valve and just get on with my life, recently i even forgot to take an antibiotic prior to a dentist appointment.
I am 66 years old and realise that i may or may not need a replacement in the future yet am reassured with my experience and the knowledge gained from this site. Anyway these are my thoughts after 4 years, i hope it helps.

John B 31st May 2009 Edwards Bovine Tissue 2900 Oxford England
Congratulations, John. It is good to hear of the success of those who traveled the path before us. I had my aortic valve replaced about 2 years after you, and I'm feeling about the same way. It took most of the first 18 to 24 months before I finally felt "all the way better" but I now enjoy life more fully than I was able to for several years prior to replacement.

Thanks for checking in and sharing your success story.
Excellent post! So glad that things are continuing to go well and look forward to another fantastic four years, and many more after that.

It was a tough procedure, with a re-op, but 3 months later you were well on the road to recovery. Although it might not have seemed like it at the time, there is light at the end of the tunnel!