Found a cardic bike club

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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2007
So. California area
Yea, I'm so excited!! I have been looking through bike magazines for 6 months to find a cardiac cyclists group, finally found it!! The site is They sponser a ride each year in centeral CA, but the guy that leads the group lives right here in my town!! You know I've been looking for someone to ride with, this group will be perfect!! The groups name SCOR stands for Specialized Coronary Outpatient Rehababilition, and focus on getting people to be active after a heart event. Their bike fundraiser attracts 5000 people each year and the money raised goes to 3 different heart summer camps for kids with heart problems. I'll let you know when I get to ride with them!! Debbie :)
That's awesome Debbie. How lucky can you get! It sounds perfect. We're having california-like weather today; I wish I could get out there and ride. Let us know about your experiences with BikeSCOR.
Hey Jeff, well we are having hot weather this weekend! 88 today and tomarrow 92-- Can you beat that :D:D I have'nt been out for 2 weeks, too cold and sad but I'm going out today to enjoy the wonderful warm weather!! How is your recovery going?? Take care Debbie :)
That's great news Debbie, and just what you've been wanting. How lucky can you get...except for hitting the lottery.
Our weather has also been really warm the last few days but the wind comes up for a few hours mid-afternoon until early evening.
That was then; this is now

That was then; this is now

So much for Calif.-like weather. Today it's raining hard and will be all day. Windy with a high of 59. Had a little set back in the back surgery recovery. It seems mowing the lawn, pulling weedsd and riding my bike indoors was a bit much. Some pain down there and hoping it's soreness rather than something more permanent. I scared myself into backing off. I can empathize with your sadness. Hopefully, you will also have very fond memories to counter it.
Jeff, backs take along time to heal, just take your time and try and not do too much---- I know easier said than done! We are having hot weather out this way, just about 100 yesterday and today too. Not used to those temp's yet, seemed pretty hot yesterday. In the summer where I live an average day is 85-95 and we get atleast 2-3 weeks of temp's over 100 in Aug. & Sept. That's why I always ride 1 hour before sunset, it's cooler and no hot sun burning me. Take care Debbie :)
I meet with the guy that leads this group today at his office, he is a phyicial therpist and has his own place. Most of the people in the group all live up north of us and do all their rides up there :( But, I asked once I join the group could I try and organize a ride around here and find some cardio people that would like to ride, and he said great. He will put it in the newsletter and on the web calender! He says as far as he knows his group is the only cardic cycle group around. I'm looking forward to starting a group here! Debbie :)
He says as far as he knows his group is the only cardic cycle group around. I'm looking forward to starting a group here!

By around I assume you mean California. The Achilles Track Club in New York, while it's primarily runners and not for cardiac folks alone, has plenty of cyclists in it. ATC has thousands of members and chapters all over the world. I've been a member for about 15 years.
Jack, the founder says this group is the only one in the whole country that is for cardiac cyclists. I'm looking forward to joining and finding out even more about the group. I'm really looking forward to riding with other cardiac cyclists! Take care Debbie :)
That is great Debbie. However, If I make it through surgery then another one for my hip I think I will stick to fishing and long walks on the beach.