Fort Hood

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So tragic............

So tragic............

Words truly cannot express how I feel right now. Having spent a good part of my twenty year military career at Fort Hood, I'm shocked, deeply saddened, and really pissed all at the same time. Who'd have thought that these troops who were fixing to deploy to a war zone would face one right here at home? My heart and prayers go out to the soldiers and families.
I am deeply saddened by this tragedy. I live very close to Ft. Hood.. this definitely hits home and is devastating... last night was one of those nights I was glued to CNN, HLN & Fox News waiting to hear more. My prayers are with all of the Ft. Hood community & the families of the soldiers lost.
My condolences are with the families, and the greater community of Fort Hood, affected by this tragedy. I shake my head when I think my son is in Iraq voluntarily, and this man chose to massacre fellow soldiers rather than deploy. What a waste of life.
My condolences are with the families, and the greater community of Fort Hood, affected by this tragedy. I shake my head when I think my son is in Iraq voluntarily, and this man chose to massacre fellow soldiers rather than deploy. What a waste of life.

I agree completely with these sentiments. My heart goes out to all those affected at Fort Hood and their families, and to all our brave men and women who serve us in the United States military. The mindlessness of yesterday's evil act at Fort Hood is very difficult to comprehend.
SUCH shocking news to hear yesterday afternoon. I am so sorry for all the men/women who were injured or slain. It's so hard to thank what their families must be going through and probably not getting much news yet. God bless them all.
My prayers are with the families affected -- and the rest of the military, too.

When I heard of the shooting yesterday, I immediately thought of the October 1991 mass shootings at a cafeteria in Killeen, where Fort Hood is located. A gunman killed 23 people, then took his own life, in that tragedy. Numerous other people were injured.
Truly tragic & evil act!

I feel so sorry for those poor soldiers & their families. To think that they would face this kind of evil right here in their own country......unbelievable! :(
My prayers are with the families affected -- and the rest of the military, too.

When I heard of the shooting yesterday, I immediately thought of the October 1991 mass shootings at a cafeteria in Killeen, where Fort Hood is located. A gunman killed 23 people, then took his own life, in that tragedy. Numerous other people were injured.
Exactly what I thought of too.. such a sad sad tragedy..
Very, very tragic and disturbing. My prayers are with all of the victims and their families. My employer (Central Texas College) is directly across the street from Fort Hood. I do not work in Texas but found out that even the main campus was locked down for several hours.

What an evil tragic thing. I'm praying for the victims and families that have been affected by this horrible act. It hard to believe this is right in our backyards.
I thought the gunman took his own life, but he is still alive. I have such mixed feelings about that. Such a sad day!
It is horrifying what happened at Fort Hood and my prayers go out to all who are suffering from this tragedy.

My DH served at Fort Hood and we remember our time at Fort Hood with fondness. It was a happy year for us. I loved Texas and the nice people. I hate this happened there.

I thought I could stop worrying about my son, now that he is out of Afghanistan! He is currently stationed at Fort Hood. Luckily he and his wife do not live on the base. He went home early that day, he called to give me the news. His wife had a Dr's appt on the base that day. The officials got her out safely.

I have been sick about this since it happened, and ANGRY! My husband and I are writing a letter to whomever is in charge. My question is this: Why on earth, was this man allowed to continue serving in our Army, when the CIA knew for at least 6 MONTHS about his RADICAL beliefs! What a complete breech of security! What a disgrace. They had better start tightening up, and doing things differently, or we could have more of the same!

My thoughts and prayers are with all of the victims families, what a nightmare!