Forgot to take my Warfarin

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Proud member of Throwdown
Supporting Member
Nov 16, 2009
Boston, MA
I done it again. I forgot to take my warfarin(6.5mg)Saturday.:mad2: I call the doctor's office this morning and she said take another 2mg tonight and tomorrow morning.:confused: Does this make sense ?
Eh, maybe. I've taken the prior evening's doseage the next morning if I forgot.
I've run my INR in the morning, found I was low, and taken part of my week's increased dose (assuming an adjustment was required) immediately, followed by the regular dose in the evening.
that's adding back 2/3 of your doseage over 2 days to get you back into range, part of it immediately, assuming you are presently a bit on the low side. 3 days on your regular dose should see you back in range in any event.
I done it again. I forgot to take my warfarin(6.5mg)Saturday.:mad2: I call the doctor's office this morning and she said take another 2mg tonight and tomorrow morning.:confused: Does this make sense ?

I went ahead and ordered you a new thinking cap
so you won't FORGET


It should help block THE VOICES too

Sounds like a reasonable approach to up your dose a bit for couple of days. Since it takes 2-3 days to metabolize through your system, you really won't see the effect of a missed dose until then.
I have forgotten to take mine a handfull of times over the past twelve years and usually just take my regular dose the next morning. If I completely miss a dose, then I'll do the same thing as your doctor recommended and adjust the next couple of days so that my weekly dosage comes out to the right number.
It's not an exact science; the biggest thing is just to be as consistent as possible taking your normal dose.
I take mine at 5 pm. If I forget, I take it when I remember (usually 6 am the next day). The next dose I push back to bedtime, ~11 and go back to schedule on the following day. I've had no problems with my INR.
According to my doctor..... he said, " If you miss a dose of warfarin...just continue your normal dosing at the next scheduled dose, do not double up or take more then your supposed to, it stays in your system for 5 days anyhow"
According to my doctor..... he said, " If you miss a dose of warfarin...just continue your normal dosing at the next scheduled dose, do not double up or take more then your supposed to, it stays in your system for 5 days anyhow"

Amen ... it's no big deal ... just take your dose as scheduled the next day ....
Good information, does anyone take Warfarin and a baby aspirin to boot? Out of the hospital I was told to take a baby aspirin in the morning and the coumadin at night. I have to say, the INR hasn't been any problem. I expected it to be a major issue since it was such a problem leveling out in the hospital. I wonder if the baby aspirin helps maintain the INR even though I know the both do different things.
my regimin is :
81mg asprin (am)
25mg lopressor (am)

5mg warfarin (pm)
25mg lopressor (pm)

**this keeps my INR right at 2.5-2.6...occasionaly will drop to a 2.4...when that happens doc just has me thrown in a extra 2.5mg one day of the week (wednesday)

--To answer your question Tom...Asprin is a blood thinner as well. Obviously not as strong as warfarin, but does thin somewhat. Asprin also tends to cause some medications to act longer in the blood then they would without.
I forgot a dose one night and called my coumadin clinic nurse. She said If a coumadin dose is missed, I have a 12 hour window to take the missed dose the next day.
Marku, it is possible if you miss a doe within a four day period for it to be noticed. I did it once forgot to mention it till the doctor's called with the INR results and aske if I missed a dose. I had to confess and she had me go back in a week when I was stabilized again. When you take certain meds, antibotics, it can also tripp up your INR. Or over the counter cold meds can do it too. I had to tell the nurse that I was having a cold for the drop in the INR. So they can always tell when you missed a dose. They are tricky people with chrystal balls. LOL! hugs for today.