Flu Shot Before Surgery?

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Active member
May 1, 2010
Central New Jersey
Trying to decide whether or not to have a flu shot before my surgery on Oct. 27th. Any advice? Do I need to ask my dr? (Have had so many other questions for other ailments I really don't want to call again!!)

I think it depends on how soon before. I have always been told to do shots fairly far in advance, or fairly far after. I think it's mostly because if you get fevers from the vaccine they will know it wasn't surgery related. You also want you immune system to be as strong as possible going in. I would think if you can get it soon it would be ok but i would definitely call and ask. I don't think you'll bother them and better to know definitively than find out too late that it's not ok!
My Dr. had me get the flu shot and a pneumonia shot before my surgery. If your surgery isn't until the end of October, you have plenty of time to get it taken care of.

I got a flu shot about a month before surgery, and in the hospital I happened to inquire if I should get another pneumonia vaccine, as I had one 10 or 15 years ago. A day or two later, a nurse gave me another pneumonia vaccine. Under age 65 it's advised to get a second dose 5 or 10 years later, over 65, just one.