First Visit to Surgeon yesterday-post op

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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Brooklyn, NY
Well as the caption says I had my first visit with the surgeons, and the entire team that worked on me for 8 hours....I had sent a big goodie basket to them to thank them after my surgery, so they all wanted to see me, I felt the best I have since before the surgery, just seeing the people that saved me . My recovery is going good, despite the fact that I did not do much walking due to the COPD and the humidity we had here last month, but I am walking now, and I did not move anything around when I decided to vacuum last week.(my sternum is still hurting from that dumb, and I was admonished about it. The docs said that it was better that I did not go out in the humidity, I would have done more harm than good.
All in all it was a good day, and they also took pics of me to use in a conference that one of the doc's are speaking at, so as long as I don't wind up in some senior dating site I was down with it, after all I was all blinged and made-up, so why waste I'll have my 15 minutes of fame due to a 5cm aortic aneurysm....who knew?

Linda, that was a very sweet thing to do - I'm sure your team really appreciated it. Glad to hear you're feeling better - well enough to get 'blinged and made-up' Enjoy the fame :D
Sounds like your on your way to a great recovery. Anyway,how tall is that mountain? Im about to attempt to go over it, and it looks scary. I hope i have all the courage you all have and do it too. Good luck and speedy recovery.
Sounds like your on your way to a great recovery. Anyway,how tall is that mountain? Im about to attempt to go over it, and it looks scary. I hope i have all the courage you all have and do it too. Good luck and speedy recovery.

The mountain for me was either do or die, no choice...after all is said and done I am so lucky to be alive that it seems stupid to complain, and I was so drugged after the surgery that most memories faded fast...the best memory was that I was in ICU and alive! You will be fine, you will find that as the time comes you get peacful about it because it is no longer in your hands. Godspeed....
I am happy for you, Linda. You are on the right track. You are wise not to lift or move retarded my recovery when I moved a night stand forgetting I had surgery!!!
Thanks all, I'm going to try my best not to do the things I'm not supposed to but you do forget sometimes....and heck I'm single, I don't need to vacuum anyway..LOL
Star -

Hopefully your Surgeon advised you that walking is a Key Component of your recovery.

Since you also have COPD, you may want to consider (1) walking in an Air Conditioned Mall and (2) going to Cardiac Rehabilitation if your Insurance will cover it.

Are you still using your Incentive Spirometer to build up your Lung Capacity and help prevent Fluid retention and Pneumonia?

'AL Capshaw'

You have got the GREATEST ATTITUDE! It sounds like you are doing just fine. Have you ever done a stand-up comedy routine? That goodie basket, what a thoughtful idea! I am sure you are one of their favorite patients.

Take it easy though.

Keep posted and God bless
Star -

Hopefully your Surgeon advised you that walking is a Key Component of your recovery.

Since you also have COPD, you may want to consider (1) walking in an Air Conditioned Mall and (2) going to Cardiac Rehabilitation if your Insurance will cover it.

Are you still using your Incentive Spirometer to build up your Lung Capacity and help prevent Fluid retention and Pneumonia?

'AL Capshaw' surgeon did advise me about walking. I have been walking around the neighborhood, even doing a little shopping (nothing heavy). It does wipe me out, though. I am using a nebulizer only when I need it, my ac is always on. But I am not going to lie, the spirometer has not been used much. I hate it, and may use it as a planter,,,go ahead yell at me! My insurance does cover cardio rehab, and I already planned on doing it at the hospital where I had my surgery.

You have got the GREATEST ATTITUDE! It sounds like you are doing just fine. Have you ever done a stand-up comedy routine? That goodie basket, what a thoughtful idea! I am sure you are one of their favorite patients.

Take it easy though.

Keep posted and God bless

Honestly, I find that most of life is so damn funny, especially some of the crazy things I get involved in., and after living through 9/11, I take every opportuntity to laugh and joke..I even wore makeup to my surgery!
I'm not the type to sit home feeling sorry for my self.....I think Rosalind Russell said it best in Mame when she said:" Life is a Banquet and most sons of bitches are starving to death!
"I sent them a goodie basket for the simple reason...they saved me....I'm Italian, we say thanks with food!.

I will take it easy....ciao for now!
I echo what others have said. What a great attitude you have! Your humour will serve you well! I hope every day gets a little easier for you.

Thinking of you,
Awesome uplifting post,additude and humor go hand in hand:)
Great to read your coming along and even fame;)Good report

Yes I know about those Italians! My Mother was of Italian decent. My grandparents were from Italy.