First surgeon consult!

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Well-known member
Sep 13, 2008
SF Bay Area, CA
I am so nervous! Dr. Craig Miller has seen my TEE reports and he wants to see me! His office just called to make an appointment. Funny thing happened. She took all my insurance information, and said "ok, I'll give you a call by the end of the day and give you a date for SURGERY!" I gasped, and she corrected herself and said "consult". My BP spiked and hasn't come down : )

I asked her whether this means Dr. Miller thinks I need surgery now, and she said not necessarily. I am excited too, because I can ask all my questions directly. What I have on my list are the following:
- Chances of repair?
- What valve would he choose? Does he do On-X?
- Can he go through the ribs?
And, the million dollar question
- WHEN???

Anything else I should ask?
I would ask how many procedures he has performed for your specific condition. The On-X valve is what I have and is technically more difficult to install. My surgeon had done literally thousands of valve procedures but of those, 50 were On-X valves. Also, depending on the hospital, if its a teaching hospital I would want to know if there is the prospect of someone else actually doing the procedure with him in a supervisory type role. And to your point about ribs, does he use a minimally invasive technique or will it be a traditional 8-inch incision.
Sounds like the wait might be over ... if it's time, it's time ... try and stay calm, write down your questions and take them with you ... if you don't you will forget to ask one or twou just out of being excited .... good luck!!
My 'contact' is not aware of Dr. Miller using On-X.

It wouldn't hurt to ask if he would consider using it.
Several of our members have been "First Time" On-Xers for their surgeons and report that the surgeons are now using On-X more frequently. One even said it was now his favorite mechanical valve. (see recent post from Faye in Utah)

You could also ask On-X for the names of Surgeons in the SF area who use or are willing to use On-X. I was told that there are some.
Dr Miller is definately one of the best, you will be in good hands (and I always liked his pic wearing the cowboy hat :) ps He is very good with complex cases and believe one of his interests is mitral valves.
Hi Nupur,

It seems it is getting close! You have good questions, and I would add:

- How many repairs/replacement he had done?
- will he alone do the repair/replacement, or will he supervise others?
- Who will open and close the chest and how many years of experience?
- Will he be there all the time

Good luck and keep us posted.
I just found out yesterday that my consult with surgeon is on Feb. 27 and can't wait to hear what he has to say. I'm wanting the on-x as well.. When is your consult? I know you are ecited and scared, I'm here with you counting down until appointment..
I think you will impress the surgeon by how prepared you are for your consult!!!!

Be sure to shake his hand and feel the confidence and strength coming from his hands. This will be very reassuring for you. It was for me. Kind hands. It really meant a lot to me.

Good luck and best wishes!

Thanks everyone. Phyllis thanks for that link , I printed it out. Al, the names of the surgeons I have in this area are Dr. Miller and Dr. Guidani. My cardio says I can have
consult with both of them, I chose Dr. Miller because of what I have heard and the association with Stanford. It will be interesting to hear what he says about On-X. He probably doesn't want to touch it yet. According to my cardio, she herself does not recommend new valves to her patients, actually she wasn't ever aware of on-X which I thought was very strange. Marguerite, you are right, it'll be strangely comforting to shake hands with the person who will literally touch my heart! And a cowboy too : )

Carole, my app with on the 2nd of March. Will keep you posted.

Mine is on the 26th of Feb. So I guess I will report first. I've been told the Dr McGiffin does use the On-x and from my research that is what I want. I'll let you know what they say.

Yes, I can't wait to shake his hand and look in his eyes and hear what he has to say!!!!
Thank you!!! I still can't get over how lucky I was to find this place!!!!!
Wishing you the very best Nupur! I hope that you like your surgeon to be & are comfortable with his recommendations. Please let us know how your consultation goes.

We'll be waiting.............:)
Nuper,i'm happy for you and that you are getting so close to ending

this wait,wishing you the best with your consultation keep us posted.

zipper2 (DEB)
Hi Nupar! You've responded to a couple of my previous posts and commented on how similar our Echos/TEE's were...Well, I too, have met with a surgeon and am scheduled for MVR March 20th. It's strange but I'm ready...the waiting room sucks...especially when you feel so crappy...I hope all goes well with your consult.
