First race of the year next week/What's up?

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Well-known member
Jul 22, 2001
Sarasota, FL
Things are pretty slow around here, so thought I'd just post on what I'm up to.

Have my first triathlon of the year coming up on Saturday the 12th. It's a sprint race with a 600M swim in the Gulf of Mexico, a 12.5 bike and 5K run. I haven't done a triathlon in over 12 months, so will be working some of the rust off. I'm looking at this race pretty much as a training race for my "A" races later in July and October.

I had probably my most consistent training month ever in May, so feeling pretty good.

Had a little mishap on the bike last weekend. I didn't have the quick-release skewer on my rear wheel tight enough and pulled the wheel loose as I was pedaling hard across an intersection about 1/4 mile from my house. Took a spill in the middle of the road, but no damage to the bike. My back was a little bit stiff for a day or so, but feels pretty good now.

We're getting into hot/humid weather already here in FL, so trying to do most of my workouts early in the morning. Ran at 6AM this morning and it was already 80 deg F and 94% RH.

What's everyone else up to?

It's good to get back into races, isn't it? I'm gearing up for the 15k Utica Boilermaker in July....fortunately in Syracuse, we don't have to worry about it getting too hot! :)
I'm running Rock n Roll San Diego Marathon this coming Sunday (June 6). Feeling pretty good about my training. My daughter is also running it, her first marathon and I'm excited for her. She will be way ahead of the old man.:)
In August....the hottest month in AZ, we are having a local Plunge and Run event. 1000 meter swim and 5 mile run. I haven't done a tri for years but am anxious to get back to the multiple sports and looking forward swimming again. BTW Mark, on another forum we had a discussion about transition and someone does this to make putting socks on wet feet easier. He rolls them up kind of like a donut, sticks his toes in and unrolls it onto his foot. Sounds like it might make it easier and faster. Have you ever done anything like it? I will be practicing it soon.
Good luck in your first tri of the year.
I'm just beginning to come back from a stress fracture in the ankle. It's 7 weeks since I injured it and I was able to do an easy, very easy, 4 miler today. The ankle is still a bit sore but not truly painful. I'll take another day or two off now though before doing any more running. I should be in decent shape by mid summer and in racing form by fall, but now I've missed what would normally be my most intense training period.

I can't complain. I had two great years in 08 and 09, so a little down time was inevitable.