First me, now Grandma

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Well-known member
Aug 25, 2008
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Hi everyone - love the new site!

It's been a while since I've been here, and I've missed everyone. And now I need everyone's positive thoughts please...

I didn't think I had a family history...but as it turns out I do. My Grandma Shirley (who is 75) was complaining of shortness of breath to her doctor. He sent her for an echo.

On Friday, it was discovered she has a bicuspid aortic valve with (now) severe regurgitation/stenosis. This is the EXACT same thing I have. How she went her whole life without anyone knowing is beyond me...though I think the chemo she had a few years ago for lymphoma probably affected her negatively.

In any case, she is scheduled for valve replacement surgery TOMORROW. Talk about head-spinning.

Please, everyone, keep her in your thoughts. I'm worried about her...I know what a tough road ahead she has. (Of course I'm not going to tell her that.)

I'm on my way to see her soon, to hopefully give her a little reassurance since I've been through it, and to give her one of my heart pillows, since they were so helpful for me during recovery.

Thanks everybody.

I think older people do just as well as younger, as long as they are otherwise healthy. Wishing all the best for your grandma.
Your grandmother will be in my thoughts tomorrow.

I was just reading a study that said that age was not an independent predictor for bad outcomes for reoperations. As such, it's probably not that big a deal for first operations, either. That's my thought, and I'm going with it...

Best wishes,
My roomie at C.C. was 77 years old and besides the valve replacement they also did three bypasses, and fixed a hole in his heart. His surgery was one day before me and he was out two days before me so his stay was actually shorter ! We are all going to be pulling for a routine procedure for her...
Thanks very much everyone.

I saw Grandma last night - she is doing really well. Still Grandma. She fretter over not having any food to offer us while she's IN THE HOSPITAL. She probably would have baked a batch of shortbread right there if she could.

Unfortunately though, she has been bumped for surgery so it'll be a few days yet.
I will keep you posted - thank you all so much for your kind thoughts and words.

Thanks very much everyone.

I saw Grandma last night - she is doing really well. Still Grandma. She fretter over not having any food to offer us while she's IN THE HOSPITAL. She probably would have baked a batch of shortbread right there if she could.

Unfortunately though, she has been bumped for surgery so it'll be a few days yet.
I will keep you posted - thank you all so much for your kind thoughts and words.

What a bummer.
However, since she's been bumped, why doesn't she ask if they'll let her in the hospital kitchen to make some shortbread? :))