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Creed3 Supporter
Supporting Member
Sep 12, 2002
I'm getting my home testing monitor. It has been a long time coming. My first try getting one through Aetna was denied. I then tried through my new insurance and they approved it but they didn't work with QAS. My insurance company then went through another company named Raytel for my unit. I just spoke with them today and they will be sending it out tomorrow and I should get it by Friday. I am receiving test strips that should cover me until the end of the year. Then I need to get approved for additional strips for next year. They say that isn't a problem at all. Just paperwork. This is going to make life so much easier. I asked which machine I was getting and they told me the HemoSense INRatio. A nurse will be contacting me over the phone to go over the training. There is also a training dvd. I am so very excited.
Anyone else out there use the HemoSense INRatio? How do you like it and how accurate is it?

Take Care!

received my INRation machine yesterday. FedEx had a hard time getting it to me for some reason. I was supposed to have it last week. I've been trying to set up a training appointment over the phone with a Raytel nurse. We haven't been able to catch up with one another yet. I did do a test run today by using the instructions that came with the machine. My inr was 3.5
I remember some of you telling me that the machine can sometimes be off by about .3, is that .3 + or -? I guess that would put me anywhere between 3.2 and 3.8 is that right? I am so excited about having my home testing unit. I would think that it would be a good idea to get my machine tested and blood drawn together to see how they compare right?
Thanks again for all of your input.

Take Care!