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Well-known member
Oct 6, 2005
Perth, Australia
After much fan-fare and many months of waiting I am permitted to enter the sacred room of the Surgeons' Office! :D

I got the results of my latest scans which show my Brain to be all-clear of aneurysms and that the aneurysm in my chest is still stable at 4.8.

But I am now allowed to go meet up with my Surgeon to start work on planning a suitable fixing-time!...
On Wednesday 22nd I have the first appointment with my newest best-friend!

Now I can do the "happy-Dance" too!
Good for you! It's amazing, but when you've found someone to crack you open like a steamed crab and take a knife to your heart, it really makes you want to celebrate!

I was so happy and excited that I was dancing like a puppy around my wife's feet as we left the surgeon's office. It was the best I had felt in weeks.

Sounds all wrong, I know. :confused: But I do understand! :D

Best wishes,


My prayers have been answered! I am so happy for you. I know what it feels like NOT to have an aneurysm in your head and it feels pretty good....especially when you have that scan to prove it. Best of wishes to you in your new journey.
tobagotwo said:
Good for you! It's amazing, but when you've found someone to crack you open like a steamed crab and take a knife to your heart, it really makes you want to celebrate.

I was so happy and excited that I was dancing like a puppy around my wife's feet as we left the surgeon's office. It was the best I had felt in weeks.

Sounds all wrong, I know. :confused: But I do understand! :D

Best wishes,
That's what I told her too.
Well, I can't say I danced around my husband's feet, but I did sigh a HUGE sigh of relief. I mean HUGE. I'm not crazy after all! This is for real! They are willing to take me on and fix it!! Okay, maybe a private fist shot up in the air and a loud "YES"!!

Ton. It will be very interesting to hear what the surgeon has to say. We will all be waiting in suspense with you :) .

Good luck with the meeting.

:D :D Marguerite
aussigal said:
After much fan-fare and many months of waiting I am permitted to enter the sacred room of the Surgeons' Office! :D

I got the results of my latest scans which show my Brain to be all-clear of aneurysms and that the aneurysm in my chest is still stable at 4.8.

But I am now allowed to go meet up with my Surgeon to start work on planning a suitable fixing-time!...
On Wednesday 22nd I have the first appointment with my newest best-friend!

Now I can do the "happy-Dance" too!

Congratulations Ton!
I thought you had all ready seen a surgeon, but I guess that wasn't the case. Why have they been waiting? Since everything's stable, won't they want to wait awhile longer?:confused:
Let's hope the surgeon is of the opinion that sooner is better than later!:) When you get your surgery date, you'll be floating, rather than walking!
Congratulations!! I know how much this means to you and how hard you've had to work to get this far. Wishing you all the luck of the Irish this St Patrick's Day :) :)

Good for you Ton! The ordinarly person would think we're crazy for being happy about things like seeing surgeons. But what do they know!:D My brother-in-law said that he'd thought I'd won a trip to Disneyworld when I got my surgery scheduled.

Thanks everyone...I am still dancing...:D ...

Even Hubby has changed his mind now!...he wants me to get it fixed sooner rather than later.

My Cardio told me that the Surgeon will probably want to operate "cos thats what they do!" and that I am not to feel pressured to go ahead straight-away.

I know I could possibly wait around a wee bit longer according to statistics but I have already beaten lots of statistics to get here. I dont think I want to wait around and see how many more I can beat :rolleyes:. With our family history and the lesson my Dad left behind when he died suddenly from what looked like this, I really think I should go get fixed.

The surgeon he has chosen for me is the "teacher-surgeon" for our state so I reckon I have a pretty good guy lined up to do the job...and I also like him being the "teacher" my Mum is a teacher and my sister teaches the Ambulance officers here too...thats my little good-luck-omen!

hurry-up Wednesday!
So, when you have this condition.....What symptoms do you feel? I'm really happy for you that you can now at least see the surgeon! I don't know how crazy I'd have gone knowing about my aneurism months in advance. I had 3 clogged arteries and chest pains that took me to the emergency room. I feel so much better but I'm not sure if its because of the triple by pass or the aortic valve. I guess thats why I was wondering if and what kind of symptoms you first noticed.
Found you at last!!!LOL!!

Found you at last!!!LOL!!

Hi Tonia, so nice to see you as relieved as this!! I was wondering how the appointment had gone!! Anyway, hope to hear from you this weekend but if not, I'll keep a close eye on this thread in order to find out what's happening next. Keep in touch!!
Johnny, I am still not really sure which symptoms I have that are caused or related to my BAV and aneurysm...

Over the last 5 or so years I have been feeling these symptoms more and more often

*I tire very easily and have all sorts of niggling chest aches and pains.
*I get palpitations and get very dizzy quite easily...
*If I get up or bend down really quickly my heart feels like it is beating in my throat, and that makes me feel sick and woozy for a few moments...
*I have a general feeling of not pumping blood effetively out to my legs and arms.
*I also get quite dizzy and sick if I over-exert myself.
*I dont lie on my back at all because I cant breathe easily like that, it feels as if someone has put a sandbag on my chest.

It is a worry living with a "time-bomb" in your chest 'specially when you have no-idea when the timer is going to go off!...

I try to keep to as normal a day as possible while not bringing-on any of the stuff I mentioned above by overdoing anything...Kinda luckily I have arthritis and a bad back so that limits what I can do too.
Wow Ton!-things are really progessing fast now! It sounds like you are going to be in some very good hands....

I will be checking in on Wed to find out how it all goes....

Take care girl :)

You are so funny............

You are so funny............

aussigal said:
After much fan-fare and many months of waiting I am permitted to enter the sacred room of the Surgeons' Office! :D

and have such a good spirit. I just know things will go well for you. Many hugs and please keep us posted. Janet
Hugs and prayers are coming your way. I know you will be just fine. I hope everything goes well on Wednesday.
Happy for you!

Happy for you!

I can't tell you how many 'are you crazy?:confused: comments I have received from the people 'outside my loop'. Those people who know me and have seen the changes in me firsthand are completely in the 'happy dance' with me. So here's to us!!! :D I am still dancing, but feeling a little of the 'oh my gosh, what have i gotten into' about now. I have surgery in two weeks and I am at the point where I cannot sleep for anything. My little mind just races when I lay down. I had to have emergency root canal today to take care of another bad tooth. It was more than likely a wait and see tooth, but I don't have time to wait and see, so we took care of it. One less thing to worry about for me!
Good luck to you!