Finally released from hospital

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Supporting Member
Jul 31, 2009
I went into Stanford on 11/7 having surgery on 11/11. Had a bit of a rough go of it. I was in CCU for a few weeks before being moved to a step down unit for 10 days. Then I transfered to an accute rehab facility for 3 weeks half of which I was on forced bed rest due to a blood clot in my leg. I as finally allowed to start rehab a couple of days before Christmas and was released on Tuesday almost 2 months afered being admitted.

It's great to be out. Thanksgiving in CCU and Christmas and New Years in rehab, I'm hoping for a different holiday season this year.
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I know it feels great being home. You certainly have had a rough go of it. I hope the rest of your recovery is problem free and you are feeling strong and healthy soon.

That's a bummer Chris, but there is no reason why you can't celebrate the season again, now that your HOME, which I'm so very glad to hear.

Take care and be good to yourself.
Welcome home! You deserve the best year yet. Just glad your back with us.
Welcome home Chris. That was quite a large bump you hit. Here's wishing for a smooth recovery and rehab from here on out.


I was shocked to read that one single person had to go through all of that and made it out alive and you sound so positive and you are an absolute inspiration to anyone who has to go for their surgeries, or had their surgeries!

I have a little card that I keep in my Bible and it says: "I know God won't give me something that I can not handle... I just sometimes wish He didn't trust me this much."

He helped you through it and He is going to continue being there for you and we, your earthly angles, are going to help you through it to.

Your 2010 is going to be a wonderful year with new opportunities and a new lease on life!
WELCOME HOME!!!!! So glad to hear you are home. I am sure your holidays will be much better now. You have much to celebrate. Great to hear from you.
I went into Stanford on 11/7 having surgery on 11/11. Had a bit of a rough go of it. I was in CCU for a few weeks before being moved to a step down unit for 10 days. Then I transfered to an accute rehab facility for 3 weeks half of which I was on forced bed rest due to a blood clot in my leg. I as finally allowed to start rehab a couple of days before Christmas and was released on Tuesday almost 2 months afered being admitted.

It's great to be out. Thanksgiving in CCU and Christmas and New Years in rehab, I'm hoping for a different holiday season this year.

Just 3 days short of my previous record. Just glad your back! Right now, that's all that matters.
Still in the Bay area. Bill B and Bev (his wife), Tina and I and Tinas mom are all going to Fentons in Oakland for huge amounts of ice cream tomorrow. We fly back to SeTtle on Tuesday after a Monday meeting with Miller.