FINALLY....finished with Doctors!

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I had my LAST post op check up yesterday. After 4 1/2 months since my surgery, I have been released with no restrictions, and only a follow up recheck in 6 months. My pericarditis is finally gone (it had been hanging on in small pockets), my blood pressure is under control, and even my pulse rate is at long last down to the high 70's. My echo yesterday showed that my repaired valve is perfect and showing no leakage at all.

The Abnormal mammogram I had a few weeks ago turned out to be a pinch of skin from where they squeeze the heck out of you. So relieved at first, and then annoyed that they can't tell the difference on a film between skin and a tumor. Hardly seemed worthy of a registered letter telling me that I had an abnormal reading and needed to be seen again right away. I will take all mistakes though as long as they turn out in my favor!

Just want to let all of the recent post op members know that there is a light at the end of that LONG recovery tunnel! This is my first time since last August that I don't have any upcoming Doctor appointments. (I still keep knocking on wood though!).
Great news, Peg. Too bad you can't have a beautiful day to go along with your beautiful release. Stay safe in the snow.
Great news, Peg- especially about the mammo- they sure know how to make us worry, but good outcomes are worth it all.

Woo Hoo!!!!

It's a great feeling to be released!!! Now take proper care of yourself and keep those guys at bay!

:D Marguerite