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Aug 12, 2014
Forgive me for the plethora of posts. This recovery stuff is always on the mind as I lay at home hoping to be better each day and this site is helping me get through it!

Today my concern is fever. I guess it's still considered low-grade right now as it's only been as high as 100.6 F. Still, it's enough to have me a little worried. I plan to call my doctor in the morning, but in the meantime, I thought I'd see if anyone can comment.

I've had a low grade fever for the last 3-4 nights. It usually resolves during the day. I alternate chills with sweating. Tonight is the highest it's gotten yet - it seems to get a little higher each night. This is WHILE I'm on a relatively high dose of Norco, so I don't know what the true fever is, except for tonight.

Additionally, I've had a headache for the last 24 hours. It's not been terrible yet, but it feels a bit like a migraine just waiting to take hold. I started to wonder if it was the pain meds. So at the Nurse Practitioner's advice, I tried some caffeine, which helped but didn't completely get rid of it. I also stopped taking my pain medication about 12 hours ago (thus the elevated temperature perhaps??) to see if that was what was contributing to the headache. The headache is mostly gone, so I'm considering trying the pain meds again to see if it comes back. Maybe then I'll know what's causing the headache?

In any case, how worried should I be about the fever given the headache and everything? I'm trying not to get too worked up at this point as my fever has not gotten that high yet, but it's still concerning me. My incisions look pretty good - no drainage. The smallest incision is a little pink in a small area right on the incision line, but to the best of my knowledge, it looks OK (I have 3 incisions because they tried minimally invasive first, and that didn't work). I still haven't reached over 1250 on my spirometer despite consistent use and left the hospital with some fluid on the left lung on Wednesday of last week. My surgery date was 9/18, so I am about 11 days post-op if I'm counting right.. Could the fever be caused by fluid on my lungs? I'm maybe slightly short of breath some of the time, but not all of the time. I do have some pain, which is why I'm still on pain meds - hard to tell if it's from the incision or the sternum. It's kind of a sharp pain right now that hurts more in my chest and upper left shoulder when I breathe in.

I'm also still a bit swollen. Tried to fit into some of my shorts to go for a walk yesterday and that was a bit depressing. :( Also, having a difficult time with bowel movements. Not sure if any of this contributes, which is why I mention it.

So. . . any ideas? Yes, I'll call the doctor and try to update when I know something. In the meantime, if you can put my mind at ease, that would helpful. :)
I'm pre-op so I'm no expert. Is there anyone you could talk to sooner, so they can put your mind at ease? If it was me, I would ring the ward you were in and run it by one of the nurses. I bet they've looked after heaps of OHS people and might be able to reassure you.
adpace;n847931 said:
Today my concern is fever. I guess it's still considered low-grade right now as it's only been as high as 100.6 F. Still, it's enough to have me a little worried. I plan to call my doctor in the morning, but in the meantime, I thought I'd see if anyone can comment.........

..........So. . . any ideas? Yes, I'll call the doctor and try to update when I know something. In the meantime, if you can put my mind at ease, that would helpful. :)

Calling your doc is the best advice. Many years ago, I also had a lo-grade fever that kept me in the hospital, post-op, for several additional days. I was finally released with a temp of about 100 degrees F with instructions that "if it goes up 1 degree, come back to the hospital". It resolved itself after a few days at home.
I agree with Dick, a call to your doctor or their nurse is probably wise. You've also been concerned about the fluid on the lungs, spirometer success and the shortness of breath for awhile. Don't be shy. It can't hurt and you've paid a lot for their care :)

I was sent home on day 7. I never had a fever, but was told that I may get one and not to worry unless it went over 100.

The pain killers will make you constipated. All opiate based pain killers have as a side effect constipation to some degree. If you need them, take them, if you can taper off, do it and the constipation will go away. I was given a stool softener and told to take a mild laxitive if needed. I eat fruit, fiber, vegetables and use bran and prune juice on a regular basis due to a past colon problem, but I still had some problems. If you are not on a stool softner and/or laxitive, they may recommend one.

You shouldn't have a constant headache if you are taking pain killers. Do you suffer from allergies, it is that season?
Thanks everyone! The doctor's office doesn't seem overly concerned at this point. They told me to monitor it and call if it goes up anymore. I just am fearful of endocarditis! I guess the fever would probably be higher if that was a strong concern?

They also, of course asked about drainage (don't see any) and chest pain. Well, of course I have chest pain - you sawed my sternum in half not too long ago! Never sure how to answer that one. . .

As far as the constipation, I knew the painkillers could cause it. I've been taking a stool softener with no luck. Started some lemon essential oil today and that seems to be helping some. I was just wondering if the fever/headache might could be caused by things being "backed up".

And yes, I definitely have allergies and it's pretty much always allergy season in Texas. I just had a 2nd sinus surgery one month prior to this surgery. So a sinus infection as a possible cause of both fever and headache has crossed my mind as well. I'm not seeing any other strong symptoms of that, though.

I think the hardest part is just not knowing for sure what is going on with my body. I'm sure it gets better eventually. Getting past this initial recovery time outside the hospital is I think what's scariest for me since I'm never really sure if what I'm is experiencing is "normal" or problematic. I hope you'll bear with all my questions. It definitely helps to hear from others' experiences.
After my first surgery, I went through weeks of night sweats and diarrhea. We finally concluded I had picked up C-diff in the hospital and treated it accordingly even though the lab results never confirmed it. I also developed an abscess in my incision due to an in-grown hair. Maybe that played a role. Lungs that are still partially deflated (atelectasis) can also cause fevers. Continue to use the incentive spirometer until you're told to stop.
Careful with the constipation. After my surgery, I was so "blocked-up" that at 4 weeks post-op, I had to be re-admitted to the hospital to get it resolved. Because of the myriad of symptoms, they weren't sure if I had "simple" constipation that had gone on too long, or endocarditis. About 24 blood tests later, I got a bottle of magnesium citrate, and all was going fine (in more ways than one!).

I was sent home with directions to take Miralax (a mild over-the-counter laxative) and to taper off gradually. That worked, except for the fact that with all the pressure of being so constipated, I ended up with a small hernia that needed surgical repair about a year later.

Now 3 1/2 years out and life has been good for most of that time. Hang in there.