Feeling Terrible

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Well-known member
Apr 2, 2005
Hi Folks.
I found out that I needed an aortic valve replacement after a heart cath. on 4/4/05 (Monday) and was fairly asymptomatic prior to the news. Since then, I have begun to notice the symptoms and they seem to be getting worse each day. I plan to call my surgeon first thing on Monday to see if I can move it up. Has anyone had this experience? If so, please let me know. After running some errands today and doing a few things here and there, I felt real tired, dizzy, light-headed, etc. I hope everyone is doing well. Thanks in advance for any replies.
Definitely, with your symptoms, you should contact your cardio and surgeon to discuss. There could be many reasons for increased (or new) symptoms.

Are you really sure you were asymptomatic before the cath or perhaps you just attributed such symptoms to being tired, working too hard, having a cold, etc? I think it is possible that, once we know there are serious heart problems, we focus on things we might have thought "unimportant" in the past.

If indeed these are new problems, your surgery probably needs to be pushed up as the valve could be deteriorating faster than expected.

Please call your doctors.


Hi Gina,
Thanks for the reply. I was feeling a bit tired prior to finding out, but this definitely feels different. Don't worry, if I really start feeling worse, I'll head for the emergency room.
I'm sure you are under lots of stress since finding out the results. Stress is really an enemy of anyone with valve problems. If your valve damage is severe, I could see how stress would make symptoms appear. You have probably not been as asymptomatic as you thought and it's quite possible that the stress increased your symptoms.

Definately contacty the doctor, or to to ER if you really begin to feel badly. Don't hesitate to call the doctor on weekends either.
T-Money said:
Hi Folks.
I found out that I needed an aortic valve replacement after a heart cath. on 4/4/05 (Monday) and was fairly asymptomatic prior to the news. Since then, I have begun to notice the symptoms and they seem to be getting worse each day. I plan to call my surgeon first thing on Monday to see if I can move it up. Has anyone had this experience? If so, please let me know. After running some errands today and doing a few things here and there, I felt real tired, dizzy, light-headed, etc. I hope everyone is doing well. Thanks in advance for any replies.

When did they schedule surgery for? If you've got a date fairly soon, you should be pretty well set. I don't think you would be asymptomatic on April 4 and become dramatically worse by April 9. My guess is, and this is from my own experience, that the stress of learning of the replacement is contributing to your increased symptoms. Please let us know when they have you scheduled for the surgery. :)
Conclusion to this stuff

Conclusion to this stuff

Hi Folks.
Let me begin by thanking you for the replies. This site is the best and has been a lifesaver for me over the last few weeks. I did indeed go to the emergency room the other night. I think I had a combination of increased symptoms and fear. That was nasty and I thought I was a gonner. However, I was released after 6 hours and I have bumped up my surgery. Thanks for the help.
Sorry to hear you had to visit the ER. That can be a bit unpleasant and often inconclusive. I hope your immediate symptoms have lessened.

What date is your surgery?
I hope you are feeling a little better and good luck with your surgery! Make sure you let us know when it is.
It may be that you've become hypervigilant regarding your symptoms and are simply noticing stuff that before was outside consciousness. I know I've become much more aware of how often my heart does flip-flops since I found that I've got atrial fibrillation. There's also the power of suggestion. And, finally, the symptoms you're experiencing now may, in fact, be new and more severe as the result of the increased stress your heart is under now that you're under so much stress.

BTW, best fix I've found for stress and worry is to go for a walk.

But what they said: Tell your doc.